Tuesday, January 30, 2024

UN-recognizes Japan as a poor country. A car navigation system won't work if you don't put in your destination, but also your current location.


recognized as a UN-recognized poor country.


Many people seem to think that "compared to other countries, there are not many poor people in Japan," but this is actually not true. For some time now, Japanese society has been experiencing polarization in many aspects, and the poverty rate is rising.




The highest relative poverty rates were in

Mexico (about 18.5%),

second was Turkey (about 17.5%)

3rd was the United States (about 17%),

 and Japan was fourth (about 15%)





6 Stances to Life




1) Not yet in the river Bystander Fearful

2) In the river but still clinging to the banks (control) 

3) Swimming upstream

4) Floating in the river

5) Swimming with the flow

6) Swimming with the flow with others with you

For the problems you are facing

the human relationships you have or anything at work.


Which stage are you at?

Listen to your body and find out which stance you are in. 

For example, when it comes to preparing for a trip.

Which stance do you have? 


Number two.

I know I have to do it.


Why hasn't it reached the point of "starting"?

The feeling that it is a hassle prevails.


Why do I think that?

Because of the burden in my mind that mistakes cannot be forgiven.

I keep putting it off. 


How can I move into a different stance? 

The car navigation system doesn't work unless you put in the destination. 

But it also doesn't work if you don't know your current location either. 




Are you using all the qualities you have right now?

Are you doing the best you have with the tools you have? 

If you think you are, you can be kind.

If not, you will be hard on yourself and others.



This breathing technique is so good!

I do it every morning〜♪





I received instruction on tea ceremony too〜〜〜

Yesterday was a ・・・

book publication party!!!

Uehara Udon @Takamatsu! 

A terrific meeting of the minds〜〜〜




Tea time is Tokyo was active too! lol



Grateful to everyone in each region!

Thank you so much!



New products of akafuku


Two new products from Akafuku, an Ise specialty, will be available: "San-san Choco Mochi," a rice cake wrapped in chocolate bean paste, and "San Ichigo Mochi," a rice cake wrapped in the prefecture's strawberry bean paste. They will be available at the Akafuku Geku-mae branch in front of the Geku at Ise Jingu Shrine from the 27th as part of the cafe menu.


I want to try it!




This IG live is quite popular for some reason〜〜〜



↓↓↓Details of the seminar with Nagakura-san↓↓↓



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

