Heart breathing also changes your brain waves
From my friend MOE
Heart Coherence breathing
Please try it
Heart Coherence
From about 6 minutes into the video
The world expands outward from the heart as we breathe.
It also fades inwards.
While continuing to breathe
a warmth rises up〜〜〜
I recommend this too!
We happened to be on the Big Island of Hawaii
at the same time as Tamie♪
Tamie-san, who operates the Time-waver.
I'll publish a book with her soon〜!!!
Life has no meaning.
It is the search for meaning that causes suffering.
Buddhism is the science of perception.
Live in a state that is not suffering.
The opposite of suffering is not happiness,
The opposite of suffering is ease.
Ease is
Pleasant, easy...
When you take ease to the extreme.
It becomes Paradise.
A long time ago, I was told by a wealthy man
"You're working hard aren't you"
When I said yes
he said, "Work is the best way to kill time."
That was 20 years ago.
Now I can somewhat understand what he meant by it〜

What a luxurious space〜〜〜
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I'm going to Shogo Hamada's concert next time!
Morita-san from Yonago sent this to me as a preliminary study!
I wanna watch it〜
Handball girls the first gold medals for both men and women in history!
A great star to defeat the past 7-time champions, Korea 【Asia Games】
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s