Champion star today at 18:39
We will have the New Moon in Leo.
Speaking of Leo...
You are the star
Shining life
Live boldly
Have confidence
and support your strengths‼️
Living on your own axis means
Not worrying about what others think of you
Doing what you want to do
without worrying about what others think of you.
Are you living your own life now? ^ - ^
New Moon and Obon also coincide,
which is a sign of a powerful accelerator,
and a sign of a loving protector,
I feel both❤️
Show gratitude to our ancestors
and everything that is in front of us now.
Recently, the key word is "Ancestors".
is the key word,
This is the time of year to remember our ancestors.
and express your gratitude by calling their names♡
The New Moon opening action is
💎Write down your strengths.
💎Review your habits over the fall.
💎Do an appearance makeover
💎Try something you have never done before
Rethink what is a good use of your life?
Ask yourself this question.
No need to think too hard about it.
How to spend a pleasant time
How to spend time that excites you.
Therein lies the clue to your strengths and charms❣️
Take the lead in your life: ❣️
from TAE's newsletter〜〜〜
Dubai in October
Going with the team from Mote salon.
Exciting tour!
The confirmed participants for the next term
are also able to participate in Dubai!
I'm so excited!
Cutting out wheat for 3 weeks !
"If you want to live long, don't eat wheat!"
But I love wheat〜〜〜
What exactly is.... wheat?
Ramen noodles
It's all food I love!
Your body is made up of what you eat!
Even among what you think tastes good
There are things you can't have...
Look it up〜〜〜
Get rid of wheat.
Gluen food meal examples and recipes
Gluten sensitivity!
That uncomfortable feeling of
Inflammation in the body
Wheat is the cause of it!
↓↓↓For those who love pasta↓↓↓Soybean noodles=@protein↓↓↓
Leaky Gut Syndrome!
Leakage from the intestine!
Quit wheat for 3 weeks!
Carbohydrates are
a combination of sugar and fiber
Today's grains
have removed the fiber from the carbs.
Today's grains are not carbohydrates
They are mostly gluten (sugar).
From Mr. Uemae...
Shima Kanko Hotel
The breakfast is excellent!
Oops, I ate a croissant!
It's wheat!
No, croissants are not wheat! (not true)
I won't eat it!
If I do eat it.
I'll savor it gratefully! (Conclusion)
Live so that
every day doesn't become a "cheat day"!
From August 20th
I'm going on a mini diet〜〜〜〜
wacci 『I become someone else's girl』Full Ver.
This is what it sounds like when Airi Suzuki sings it〜
This is a good song♪
My friend sent me this↓↓↓what a great song!
My friends' father built a retreat house on "Hatoma Island" in Okinawa!
It's opening soon〜〜〜
I'm looking for serious yet unique and kind friends in open chat to support the Hatoma Island retreat center🎵I'm going to write about the path to completion 🎵If you'd like to join, please do so 🥺✨️
Open Chat "Grandpa Hanasaki's House"
1.The mind is healed and time passes slowly.
2.You can see the Southern Cross! Full of stars
3. Beautiful ocean, coral reefs and full of fish
4. Traditional arts still remain and the Okinawan atmosphere is still there
5. You can see the sunrise and sunset at the same place
6. It is easy to feel present in nature.
7.The sky is very wide.
8. BBQ at night and party to get to know each other
9.You can see wild goats.
10.You can experience new things.
There are no traffic lights and no supermarkets,
so you can have fun making do with what you have!
Shellfish and fish in the ocean, and in the mountains, there are wild plants and a treasure trove of foodstuffs (*'oo'*)!
First of all,
Let's go to Hatoma Island, even if it's only in your imagination.
And my daughter, KAORI...
My father, who loved "Grandpa Hanasaka's store",
had customers from all over the prefecture and beyond, and some of them might not have been able to visit the store,
So while working as an information center on Hatoma Island, I am also working on the store through trial and error!

Unlimited courses including tuna sashimi are the best
Friday, August 18 - Sunday, August 20
11:00 - 16:00
Recording equipment
When you say, "I'll do my best!
the muscles tense up.
The Inuit people
when jumping over a creavasse,
they are said to do so while
"joking around with each other" 〜〜〜
The secret is to smile.
By the way.
I heard that the word "ugly" means "no smile!"
This was interesting
KAI-san sent this to me!!!
Director Kuriyama!
The notebook that he showed no one.
Completion of his story.
Behind the scenes of his leadership.
Behind the scenes of wbc!
Origins are from high school baseball
Great event in Niigata!!!
August 20 (Sun), 2023 14:00 - August 22(Tue), 2023 09:00
Have you heard of Vegetable House MAY?!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s