Sunday, June 18, 2023

Begin each day with your WANT TOs, not your TO DOs!


The seminar in Kawaguchiko was also very fruitful〜〜〜


                                                        Thank you Naoko Kuramoto


I have high expectations for you next month〜
Looking forward to it!

Thank you always!


It's a big jam〜


When everyone gets sleepy...

The topic of sex comes up~~~!

It wakes me right up! lol



We had a powerful start to the morning! 

Mr. Tanakatsu, thank you very much.


① The story of changing where to focus from a dissatisfaction monster to a good luckmonster.


② How to start each day not with TO DO, but with WANT TO.

③ Ask yourself what you really want to do every morning. It will change your life in a year's time.


It was really good!


Especially ②, I also start with my TO-DOs every morning, so I will start with WANT TO's from tomorrow morning!!!



Someone is reading my book with all these post its〜〜

Thank you very much.



Japanese people can't take a vacation.

It's good if everyone is enjoying themselves anyway. 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s