Jinpei Yagi
Can't find what I want to do〜〜〜
☆I want to do something but..,. syndrome.
Perhaps I haven't found "it" yet?!
Actually there is just too much information.
Too many choices
What we need is a criteria
Clear self-understanding
☆ 3 steps
1)What is important (values)
2) What you are good at (talents)
3) What you like (passions)
1)5 question to know your values
Q1。Who do you respect? Why?
Q2。What experiences have had the greatest impact on your adolescence?
Q3. What is missing in society?
Q4。Ask those around you → "What do you think seems important to me?"
Q5。Give advice to others → Actions you want to convey
*Key words → summarize → rank it → the purpose of work
2)Talents These are not skills. It's what you can do with ease
Q1. What was your most fulfilling experience?
Q2. What is something that irritated you recently?
Q3. Ask around→what are my strengths?
Q4. If you quit your job→what did you want to do more of?
Q5. What have you achieved so far?
*Summarize your strengths→Create your own instruction manual.
3)Passion What you like to do because you are interested (× it's useful)
Q1. What is something you want to study now, even if you have to pay for it?
Q2. What genre of books do you have on your bookshelf?
Q3. What do you think saved you, what genre?
Q4. Who/what job do you want to thank for your work?
Q5. What have you felt anger towards the world for?
Passion ×Talent
Name what it is you want to do !!!
Narrow it down by the purpose of your work
Find out the means and do it
Talents are the flip side of weaknesses
What are your weaknesses?
That's why•••
Then the pros come out.
Trust yoruself
Decide to do nothing
Most choices are made subconsciously
We can change the way we look at the world
How we see life
Have a purpose in life
To overcome your "fear"
The difference between purpose and goals
Purpose has no end
Goals have an end
7 questions to know your life purpose
1) What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
2) What has been your #1 success in life so far?
3) What attracts you to people you admire?
4) What do you look forward to as far as unusual activities that you don't normally do?
5) What is your ideal job?
6) What is your ideal relationships?
7) What do you want to do? How do you want to be?
↓↓↓ Divided into three!
[Root desire]
Find the root desire that comes up again and again
That's the purpose of life!!!
Your life's purpose will always be fulfilled!!!!
It doesn't have to be a noble desire.
Let the craving be what drives you!!!

One OK rock is so cool〜
I coudn't do this〜〜 Breathwork
DLA Emergency Project! The Impact of Generative AI
~ How will ChatGPT change the world? ~
Someone join us!
I would love for someone to join this and show me their notes〜〜〜
The "Impact of Generative AI" seminar will focus on the much-hyped ChatGPT, and we will hear from experts from various perspectives: what is it great, how is it made, what is happening in the world now, is Japan safe, what will change, and so on.
This is the seminar I invited you too!!!
We have started accepting〜
Learn together with Takumi Yamazaki!
CANVA & CAPCUT Seminar" by entrepreneurial SNS producer Kento Yoshida!
when the cherry blossoms bloom,
you will have a transformation through laughter and tears〜〜〜
Music theme park🎡.
Entertainment with music🎪!
We're doing a "360° CIRCLE CIRCUS!"
↓Tickets are available here!
(Early bird discount available!)