Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Don't let others decide for you. The answer to happiness lies within us. What to do about burnout?!


Yesterday we did an exercise via zoom of "feeling the physical sensations".  "

Thanks to all who participated!




 The picture book, "The Apple Princess" is the one that assures and conveys the message that 

"no matter what other people do or say to you, you are wonderful just the way you are!"





●Picture book "The Apple Princess" 

Counselors and experts have come together to create

a  masterpiece as a tool for talking with yourself.


yahoo news article



I cried as much as I did when I read "The Cat That Lived a Million Times."

It made me think as much as when I read "The Prince of the Stars."


In the process of brushing up the story, 

I found myself merging with the Apple princess, worrying about what other people think of me. I couldn't stop the tears. 


It made me think, "What am I worrying about?" and that I'll live more like myself and take on new challenges. 


The pictures are so cute too! 

Please check out the introduction video!

I know I am not an influential and respectable person.

I also know that the picture book genre itself does not sell well.

But I believe that the people who pick up my books,

 however few they may be, will be happy to receive them.

I  believe that we can make the world a "little bit kinder".


And if you pre-order a picture book, please reply to me!

Because I don't take it for granted that you would reserve a picture book which is the first picture book in the world to be made in this way.

So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.



↓↓↓You can purchase it here↓↓↓

りんご姫 | 楽人塾リンク






~ Don't let others decide for you.

 The answer to happiness lies within us~.


Now, in Japan, it can be harder to think, "I'm happy to be alive." 


Japanese were happy when we were looking in the same direction to survive



I wanted to start my next life while I can. 


The American way of life to

change jobs, 

change place of residence...

Space exploration....

Corporations have more money 

than public funds 


Burnout Syndrome.

What happens after burnout?


Emptiness after achievement


From there, find a different goal to live for


Don't let others set your goals for you. 


From dialogue, you can find out what's really going on. 


How do we find our next goal?!


Many goals are actually given by others


The carrot and the horse


How do I live my life to be happy?!

The answer to that is within you (your carrot)


Protect that mental environment


The company is not your only life!

Get out of there quick!



Yesterday we talked about"Wings of Honneamise" 





common 六本木

東京都港区六本木4-8-5 和幸ビル 2F


A cafe like this?!

Ramen in Roppongi hills



A hotel like this in Osaka?!