Wednesday, November 30, 2022

This theory of "TO ME," "BY ME," "THROUGH ME," and "AS ME" is quite brilliant!

Morning learnings!



VishenEntrepreneur, author, speaker & activist. I'm on a mission to elevate the human experience by reimagining education, work, spirituality, parenting, and more.リンク


Vishen who created Mindvalley 



Michael Beckwith

本当に自由になるスピリチュアルな生き方 リアルに生きる、本当の自分で生きる





to me

Victim consciousness

A belief that everything is outside of them. 


by me

Manifestor consciousness 

Our thoughts create reality 

Set our intentions and manifest it

Masculine energy 


through me

Channeler consciousness. 

Something wonderful is trying to haopen. 

Allowing that to be birthed. 

Surrendering, welcoming 


as me

Oneness with Life

Oneness with God 


to me

Belief that something outside of themselves is doing something TO them 

Easily swept up by collective beliefs and swayed by society, media, boss etc. 

Influenced by the outside =Victimhood



Collective consciousness ・・・one of lack 

Exercises to do



The only thing to blame is the ignorance. 


Letting of your blame and shame story. 

Be aware of "What kind of victimhood narrative am I in?!"

I am the creator. Realize that your thoughts become reality.


Stages of Forgiveness

Willingness to forgive


Willingness to see it from the other person's perspective.

Wish the best for the other person. 

Try to take action to send positive energy


Other work


Use your RAS


 Imagine your perfect day in details for each segment

Every morning, imagine the best scenario


Trying on that frequency.

Try on the best day scenario

You don't have to commit to it, just try it on and see how it feels. 


by me


Manifestor consciousness

Realize the power of your intentions

Start becoming aware of your beliefs. 

Learn to question your beliefs

Is that true?!





Write it down →Read it→Speak it outloud


Write down your goals


3 Most Important Questions

Your goals in these 3 areas





Are you dreams farmed (put there by others)?!

Are your dreams organic?!

There are Means Goals and End Goals.  

・Means goals have a "so"    "I want to do such and such so that I can do such and such." 

・End goals come from the heart! It's also an emotional goal


Not a farmed dreams such as 

Because it will please my parents.

Because  I want to be admired by society

Because it is cool, etc.

You can go straight to your soul's dream.


It's okay to dream big

Google allows for  40% failure.

50% of your dreams should have a 50% success rate. 

If you are achieving 100% of your dreams, you're not dreaming big enough. 


If you focus too much on 

Happiness in the Now 

You can get stuck in the Current Reality Trap 

If you lean too much towards Vision for the Future 

you can be overcome by stress and anxiety. 

It's when you have a good balance of both that you can enter into flow. 

If you don't have either you'll be caught in a Negative Spiral. 

Your dreams and goals you scare you a little 

and excite you alot!! 


You cannot recognize what you don't have a word for


The Himba tribe doesn't have a word for blue. 

So they can't recognize the color blue, but they have 19 words for the color green, 

so they can notice slight differences right away. 

Know the power of your perception!


People with multiple personality disorder 

even have different eyesight!


Also, some tribes don't have a word for sadness

The only words that comes close is 

"the sluggishness of a cold"


To unhealthy maids, they staged a fake study. 

Doctors asked him how much work they did in a day and then commented 

'If you worked that hard every day

 It's a wonderful workout and it's good for your body!" 


They started to lose weight.


The Power of Recognition

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Shifting mental models

Validation moments and enlightenment moments




  • On your mental screen, (like a cinema size)  imagine the image of the opposite of what you want. 
  • Feel negative emotions. End the scene by moving it to the right, cracking or erasing it.
  • Imagine the new image of what you desire. Experience it with all 5 senses. Forget the how and focus on the end result. Feel the positive emotions and see other people benefitting from this. 
  • Examine yourself. Who have you become? You can think about new characteristics, appearance, essence, etc.
  • End the scene by saying: “Let this or something better happen.”


The skin is easily influenced so start practicingl 

Try it for 5 minutes 3 times a day. 


Other exercises 

The Law of Resonance

From the current identity

Change to a fulfilled identity

Change your own identity. 


Get in a meditative state

Clearing out the Garbage technique by Sonia Choquette

Use it when you need to make a quick instant decision. 

  • Look around the room and two things you notice around you /Brings you back into the present moment. 
  • Breathe in slowly and exhale like you are blowing out a candle. 
  • Breathe in again and go down the slide. “Ahhhhh” ….you end up in the most intuitive place there is. 
  • My question is: …”. (Fill in the blank with your own question.)—speak it outloud so that you’re not in your head. 
  • Hold your hand on your heart and tell yourself: “My heart says …”.x 3
  • Ask, “Does this feel true?”

Quantum Jumping


Downloads from yourself in a parallel world 

Board room technique


Use it when you need answers from your guides to help you move ahead in your life and solve problems. 


You can put whoever you want in your board room. 

4 individuals you truly respect.  Get advice from them 

What you give and

what you receive is a set!

To allow the full cycle of both breath and money. 


Every morning

ask how to give and how to receive

Even if you take abundance from abundance,  abundance remains




through me


Channeler consciousness


Allowing inspiration to guide your intention. 

Organic dreams 

Soul dreams that aren't influenced by the culturescape. 

Here you are supported by life itself. 



by me        


Power of your thoughts 

Having mental control 

About "getting" 

A world of motivation 

Manifesting your thoughts and intentions. 

The Law of Attraction 


through me  


welcoming, surrendering 

Letting go of control 

About "letting" 

A world of inspiration 

The Law of Resonance 

The Law of Emergence 

Welcoming means to open the door to what is already there =Surrender 

Letting means 

allowing what is. 

Not stopping what is trying to emerge. 


Asking the right questions is so important


What good is trying to happen in my life? 

What gift  is trying to be born? 

What is all my needs were met? 

What if prosperity reigned supreme in my life? 

What if my body could heal anything? 

What do I need to let go of that no longer serves ,e? 

What do I already have? 

What does my soul wan? 


Asking these questions to your soul and to the universe is important 


Humility and letting go of the ego 


Become a channel

What good things are waiting for me? 

What gifts are there? 

What if all my needs were met? 

What if everything was overflowing with abundance? 

What is my body could heal anything? 

What do I need to let go of? 


Spiritual Shapeshifting


Bringing high levels of energy and moving it to other parts of your life or body. 



Bringing the healthy energy of your healthy right knee to your injured left knee. 

Shifting the energy of somewhere that is doing good to other places that have stagnant energy. 


as me

being consciousness


Qualities of this stage 

1. You feel a deep connection with all of life 

2. You are tapped into your intuition 

3. Inspiration drives your intention. 

4. Luck is on your side. Magic happens and life unfolds magically for you.

You learn to notice more synchronicities 


Before this stqge, 

often you go through what is called the "dark night of the soul"


Instead of fighting or resisting this, 

ask what is gift is trying to be born?! 

Attachment  Being attached to the outcome

Detachment: No longer in the game. Often comes from disappointment

Non-attachment: You are still in the game, playing full out,  but not attached to the outcome.


Merging Technique


Connecting not with specifics but with the energy 

  1. See the screen
  2. Tap into the energy of what you want 
  3. Give that consciousness a color. (Understand that what you want wants you) 
  4. Look for dark spots in the energy 
  5. Fill in the dark spots 
  6. make the energy brighter 
  7. Ask the energy what it wants (3 things) 
  8. State your 3 words of what you want. 
  9. Meditate on all 6 works and immerse yourself in this energy 
  10. Merge with the energy 
  11. Let it go 
  12. Trust that what you created is already there. 

3 aspects 

・Intention (what it is you want) 

・Your Destiny (What your soul came to experience?) 

・The energy around you 

If it were a highway・・・


The highway is your destiny 

Within that highway, 

you can change lanes (your intention) 

and whether it's crowded or congested, whether it's moving fast or flow or the cars around you would be the energy around you. 



Group consulting last night for the Beauty Club Members!!!



While heading towards Kioicho hall〜〜

What beautiful words〜〜〜


Souun Takeda and 

Mr. Yoshida of Yoshida Sauce!!!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s