Picture book author Nobumi
"WA! Picture Book Project"
After the miracle of Christ
Christ said,
"Please don't say I did it."
A picture book I wrote for someone
that will reach everyone!!!!
UP&UP, an online community for 777 yen/month

・Overflowing love
Anger, let it out of the mouth
It can be let out even without words.
When anger is released
sadness/loneliness comes out.
・Overflowing love
When its released you come back to love!
When you release it
You'll be in the same state as when your dreams come true
You realize that everyone is all because of everyone,
and gratitude overflows
When you release
Thoughts stop (no more wanting)
Inspiration explodes!
You become captivated
There is then nothing but memories and inspiration!
Warp by leaps and bounds
A range that is no longer thought
When you allow yourself to space out, your
Default Mode Network
in your brain becomes super active! = Genius
What you have now is enough.
Let go
Energy becomes lighter
You'll warp.
The problems that are happening
everything around you will change,
when you change your world.
The world is created by the sensations of my body
Change your own world
not trying to change the world of others.
The land
and the company
also has a consciousness
Remove your assumptions
Doing nothing in the family home
It's the most boring
That's why its a good chance to remove assumptions!
Stiff shoulders
Feel in your body the feeing of irresponsibility
The problem is jobs you only mildly dislike.
Can you say no to this?
Only do work that inspires you!
This was incredible, wasn't it〜〜〜
Talking with Mizushima-san and really once again
felt the difference between the U.S.A. and Japan!
In America,
if you get sick somewhere,
people tend to think,
let's die. It's your life span.
That's how high medical expenses are high.
So people are concerned with what they eat!
The biggest cause of bankruptcy
is medical bills!
So, in some cases family members stop the treatment!
Organic food is abundant.
Health conscious!
Meat, non caged!
Not moving, etc.!
Japanese eat to bowling balls worth of additives in a year!
When I come back to Japan, I get edema
Maybe it's because of the additives?
My mother bought
a salad from a convenience store.
Unfortunately, I can't eat it.
I feel strongly that if
consumer's consciousness doesn't change in Japan,
things won't change!
Oh! Photos arrived
Was so excited〜〜〜〜
Masamin's UP&UP festival.
See you! We will do a exciting event on the 27th〜
Nishino-san's room was so good!!!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s