I received this photo from a friend in Sapporo! (ad for AIMYON)
Today we did a shoot for TIKTOK.
These beautiful sisters came for it ☆゜:*:・゜
Thank you〜〜〜
New members from Fukuoka?!
I wanna go meet them〜〜〜

Can't miss this either〜
Early marriage has its own happiness.
Late marriages have the happiness of late marriages
And unmarried people have the happiness of being unmarried
I have a lot to learn from these words.
But basically,
life is not so simple that one can rank
such and such as happiness
and something else as second ranking.
There is so much more.
DJ AOI-san
Recommendations for late marriage
Someone who married late in life said
When I was young,
I was sometimes impatient with my friends who were getting married one after another.
but in the end, I'm glad that I was the last among my friends to get married.
When everyone else was about to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary
we were finally newlyweds.
I felt secure in the fact that there were many senior members among my friends who had been married for 10 years.
No blessings mixed with jealousy
Everyone congratulated us from the bottom of their hearts
And I had a sense of superiority in being the last
to experience the newlywed life that everyone else had already passed through.
And most importantly...
I planned to live alone for the rest of my life, so I had gained a lot of life skills.
With this power, I could protect my family this time.
I had confidence in that.
It's not always better to get married early
Of course, early marriage is not necessarily a bad thing.
It's all about perfect timing.
I truly believe that I was at the right age to marry late.
Early marriages have their own happiness
Late marriages have the happiness of late marriages
And unmarried people have the happiness of being unmarried
No matter how you struggle, you can't escape happiness.
Then wouldn't it be more profitable to
live your life reveling in the happiness you have now?
Having fewer friends as you grow up
↓↓↓This was interesting too↓↓↓
People often say, "When you grow up, you have fewer friends."
But it's not that you have fewer friends.
It means that you don't need friends as much anymore.
When you are young, you need friends
As you get older...
You can self-affirm and you make peace with yourself.
"I'm fine with who I am."
It's not that it's bad to have fewer friends,
it's that it's bad think it's bad to have fewer friends.
Don't think you can save the negative with positivity.
People who will work hard if someone says positive things like "Hang in there." to them
are often people who will work hard on their own even if left alone.
Only positive people can be saved by positive words.
You can't save negative people with positive words.
If you say positive words to someone who has fallen into negativity,
it will only hurt them because it's as if you are denying who they are now.
In fact, the lack of someone who understands them will only widen the gap between them and others.
Positive prescriptions only promote loneliness.
You shouldn't deny ones feelings, even if they are in the words "I want to die".
If you deny it, it will make them want to die even more!
People who have fallen into negativity are looking for 'understanding'.
Those who are aware of what they want to be understood are still in a mild state.
In severe cases, however, the person himself/herself does not know what he/she wants to be understood.
They want to be understood, but they don't know what they want to be understood.
Because they don't know, they can't verbalize it and put it out there.
They then can't get anyone to understand them, and
every day they end up with black and disastrous feelings swirling around inside,
telling them that they have lost their way.
In self-protection, they become indifferent and unfeeling to everything.
The important thing is to unravel the multiple intertwined black emotions little by little.
To do this, we need to communicate with them and bring them to "awareness" one by one.
This is not something that can be done overnight, so it is necessary to watch over them in the long term.
Positivity is strictly forbidden
If you want to understand a negative person, try to relate to him or her through negativity.
If you don't try to feel what that person is feeling,
you won't be able to see their feelings.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s