Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Narrow down what you have to do! What's left to do? Small business owners richer than large business presidents? Squats! Intelligence and character!


Have you heard of this? 

"The Essential Thinking Practice"




Narrow down what you do!!!



I do everything, 

so every time I hear this is hurts my ears lol




So let's think of it like this 

"If I was to narrow down what I did what would I leave?" 



But, if that's the case, 

I may not reply to the massive amount of LINE messages I get, 

stop going to invitations and dinners that aren't directly connected to anything work related

and not show up at ethics meetings or parties! 


Stop invitations and dinners that are not directly related to your work as much as possible.


And don't show up at ethics meetings or parties! 

But if I do that, I'll lose what I enjoy too 〜〜〜



The more I think about it realistically

the more I try to maintain the status quo.


So, let's say we try it, just in case. 






Do only a)  (should be concentrated →again, minimized)

If we do it c too ・・・(to be selfish)



Then we can't support others. 

I suppose it's supposed to be a "what if" exercise 

and we shouldn't think about it too practically! 


I saw this on the tiktok comments and took a screen shot right away〜〜〜


↓↓↓What do you think reading this?!↓↓↓

Things I thought when I became a banker. 

That many bankrupt people drive luxury cars.

Many owners of small and medium-sized companies 

are richer than presidents of large companies.


In other words, the essence of a person is not his or her appearance or title.




Other posts・・・




Thoughts, now that I'm in my 30's. 
 That I never had the experience of enjoying the present moment. 
In high school I worked hard in order to get into a good college, 
and in college in order to get into a good company. 
If I continue like this, I will be thinking about work even on my days off, 
and even after I retire, I will be accelerating my pension, and even after I turn 70, I will be doing life after life for the afterlife. What is the purpose of living? Why is it so hard to enjoy the present?



Speaking → Intelligence

Not speaking → Character/Decency


What one speaks is intelligence, what one does not speak is character.


What one speaks = intelligence ≒ humility

What you don't speak = character ≒ trust.


Thank you for the reference!



何を喋るのかは「知性」、何を喋らないのかは「品性」。つまり、世界はそれを愛と呼ぶんだぜ⁉︎|大森葉子/編集者|note先日のワイドナショーでスピードワゴンの小沢一敬さんが 「何を喋るのかが知性で、何を喋らないのかが品性」 と発言し、「なるほど」と思った。SNS時代となり、「我先に!」と自分の思っていることや体験してることを共有するムードに一石を投じている。 スピードワゴン小沢、ワイドナで3つの名言「何を喋らないかが品性」…"胸に刺さる"と話題に | | CO…リンク


7 second squats! Great for health! 



7 seconds is easy to implement!!!


Blood sugar?


85% of the time it's successful!!!


Must be starving in the muscles!!!!

Use up all your glycogen!


"Blood sugar drops - 7-second squat!"



I'm learning Manayui now.

My Manayui friends are holding an event like this in Gifu!




Folks in Gifu/Nagoya, please join!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s