Saturday, August 6, 2022

Apparently, "Positive geniuses live in a different reality than others!"

Apparently, "Positive geniuses live in a different reality than others" 




If you want to be happy, first change the way you look at the world! 

It's similar to the teachings of Buddhism. 


1・Select the most valuable reality


2. Create a mental map


3. Find the most powerful spot (X-spot)


4. Erase the noise


5. "Plant" a positive perspective





"Positive geniuses live in a different reality than others."


The sound of "a different reality" is so good〜〜〜〜


Don't change reality, 

change the way you look at the world!


Go out of your way to "see" the world.


See it.

Listen to it. 

Choose to have an emotional experience!


Change it!

Interesting!!!! Taku




Madoka Maeno

Takashi Maeno

Such beautiful people~~!



Thank you very much.



0.35 seconds!!!!

Your unconscious is faster than your consciousness!



Do you remember that you have made a decision!?




Keep repeating until it reaches your subconscious!




To do so ↓↓↓↓

Keep a positive record

Keep in mind that mind and body are one (mind and body)


Drop in 

"What would you like to see happen!?" into an equation. 

I realized that it takes a little ingenuity to match it with real life. 


I got an "aha" moment when I had a zoom with

 Mr. and Mrs. Nobusada.

Thank you very much☆゜:*:・゜



In Hiroshima, "white meat" is "mino" 

Hiroshima's okinomiyaki is delicious〜!


We need your help!  


Tomoko Sawada (Minamoto-san), a student in the 8th class of the Publication Branding Course, will be publishing a book on August 8th titled

"The True Identity of God Who Makes Any Dream Come True"!




The book is illustrated and comical, but it is about the essence of life.


We are aiming it for it to be No.1 at the moment (20:00).

I hope you will buy it after 20:00 till 20:59 on 8/8. 


Please contact us for more details.


Tomoko Sawada @IG



Available only at Tsutaya

"Cute way of saying things" = "Momokawa"


If you have found it, please send in your photo〜〜〜


From Tae-chan

Information on how to spend "LIONSGATE!" 





From around July 27th to

The Lions Gate will be open❣️ from around July 27th to August 12th.


It is said that 

Lions Gate will be open❣️.


If you like spirituality

you've likely heard of it haven't you? 


Lionsgate is the time when the

Sun is entering Leo.


On August 8, when the Lions Gate is most open, the Sun will be right in the middle of Leo.


Let's prepare your body and mind now 

setting our sights for August 8th❤️.


It is said that the Sun's energy coincides with that of Leo, the most powerful star of the 12 signs of the zodiac, bringing higher energy down to earth✨.


I'm sure many of you have been experiencing various inspirations and synchronicities, or even feeling sleepy ^ ^.


During this period, please take advantage of

💎Good quality sleep

💎Drinking lots of water 

💎Not overloading your schedule 

💎Organize your surrounding

💎Review your lifestyle habits


and get yourself in shape❣️.

Strengthen your self-care, and

By taking good care of yourself and loving yourself

You can bring in higher energy❣️.


It is also recommended to get in touch with nature❣️

A place with water is even better❤️.


On the weekend, after cleaning up, put up flowers and let the air smell good.

Please boost the energy of your home ^ ^ ^.


I'll be back with more good luck messages.

Enjoy ✨



"Strip Down, Rise Up" | Official Trailer | Netflix


This way of living brings tears to peoples eyes・・・





Wakkan's crowdfunding has been launched!


Calling 1,000 friends!

We want to protect the earth 100 years from now with our environmental activism web media!



Free seminar!

↓↓↓Meeting zoom↓↓↓


*This is a free seminar only for those who have taken the online REBORN.

If you are not a REBORN member but would like to take it...

Please contact my staff Ban!



It's a special training on how to speak! (lol)



Hypertension Treatment Support App to be Covered by Insurance...

Input your diet and step count, and a doctor will guide you every other month.

高血圧の治療支援アプリ、保険適用に…食事内容・歩数を入力し医師が1か月おきに指導(読売新聞オンライン) 高血圧治療を支援するためのスマートフォン用アプリについて、厚生労働相の諮問機関・中央社会保険医療協議会(中医協)は3日、公的医療保険の対象とすることを了承した。 リンク




Edogawa Rampo, who was in a bad situation in his life, worked at a ramen shop to make ends meet.

【7月28日が命日】江戸川乱歩は不遇時代、ラーメン屋をやって糊口をしのいだ 文豪たちの意外な職業(現代ビジネス)7月28日は江戸川乱歩の命日である「石榴忌(ざくろき)」。1934年に発表された中編小説『石榴』にちなんで、この名前になりました。ということで、『文豪たちの住宅事情』から、乱歩の意外な過リンク



 Japanese universities lagging behind the U.S., China, and South Korea in world rankings, especially in cutting-edge fields At least triple the number of universities in the top 100

特に最先端分野、世界ランキングに見る米中韓に立ち遅れの日本の大学 せめて上位100位以内を3倍に(現代ビジネス)世界の大学ランキングを見ると、日本の立ち後れが目立つ。とくに、コンピュータサイエンス分野では、アメリカに比べればもちろんのこと、韓国に比べても著しい差がある。日本の未来を切り開くにリンク


Only five Japanese universities ranked in the top 100 in the world in the 2023 edition


The University of Tokyo, ranked 23rd, the University of

Kyoto University in 36th place, 

Tokyo Institute of Technology in 56th place

Osaka University 68th place, 

Tohoku University 79th place



Songs to listen to when you can't sleep or when you want to calm down. cover medley


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s