Sunday, May 1, 2022

"What if I look at it from a higher level of consciousness?”Start being that person now.


This chart I received from a friend is fabulous!

Thank you, Akiko Takayanagi!

I think the source is here...

【パワーか、フォースか】意識レベルがなぜ重要なのか徹底解説〜「現状から抜け出したい」と思わなくなると叶う | 意識レベルの学校_宮川直己(出口稀一)公式サイト|トランスフォーメショナルコーチ®こんにちは、【日本一わかりやすい意識レベルの学校】主宰の出口稀一です。 このサイトでは、精神科医デヴィッド・R・ホーキンズ博士の著書「パワーか、フォースか」で提唱されている「17段階の意識レベル(意識のマップ)」について...リンク


【パワーか、フォースか】意識レベルがなぜ重要なのか徹底解説〜「現状から抜け出したい」と思わなくなると叶う | 意識レベルの学校_宮川直己(出口稀一)公式サイト|トランスフォーメショナルコーチ®こんにちは、【日本一わかりやすい意識レベルの学校】主宰の出口稀一です。 このサイトでは、精神科医デヴィッド・R・ホーキンズ博士の著書「パワーか、フォースか」で提唱されている「17段階の意識レベル(意識のマップ)」について...リンク 


"The higher up the hierarchy, the greater the impact of small changes on reality."

"The higher levels in the hierarchy have a stronger the influence on the lower levels."


The level of consciousness is most clearly manifested in 

"the way a person sees (interprets) things."


The more a person tries to "avoid something," the more his or her brain and consciousness act in the direction of making the "thing to be avoided" a reality.




Adopt in your life  the way of seeing and interpreting things of a person with such higher levels of consciousness.

Practical work to raise your level of consciousness

(1) Whenever an event in your daily life evokes negative feelings such as "I feel bad," "I feel angry," or "I feel sad," ask yourself this question.

"What would this event look like from a higher level of consciousness?

※The view from a higher level of consciousness = a view in which both positive and negative aspects exist in all things, and there is no judgment of "good or bad.

 (2) Think of thoughts, actions, and statements that fit the way you see and interpret things when viewed from a higher level of consciousness, and then implement.


※The important thing is to "behave as if you are that person" 

Why is it that if you stop thinking "I want to get out of the status quo," your wish will come true?

Why is it that if you stop thinking "I want to get out of the status quo," your wish will come true?


The subconscious mind has a habit of "creating reality in the direction of maintaining the current perception of the status quo."

People just before their wishes come true often have a light feeling of "I am happy now anyway whether this wish comes true or not, but it would be even better if it comes true."


Be happy right now


Don't put off being happy, and don't make it conditional




I found this too〜〜〜


↓↓Lightbulb people, please watch this!↓↓↓





On May 1st 

From 22:00

we'll have a Takumi Yamazaki Group Consultation"!


It's an UP&UP event. 

Please do join us!


I'm very excited and thrilled! 

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.




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