Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1st "New Moon" 10 celestial bodies in forward alignment→ until April 29, until the 17th if you want to start something. What's UP&UP about?


April has begun!

Clubhouse from 7 am!

UP&UP will start at the end of April.


Content is・・・


Once a month (3 times in total)

Keisuke Oshima

Takuya Fujimoto

Takumi Yamazaki

We will have a group consultation!


Also, you can attend each teacher's seminar for free! (Video)


And for all of this, the monthly fee is only 777 yen!

April 2nd, 3rd, 4th 

We will do a big free event! 

Please come join us! 



Things to do on April first. 

A preview of what's to come happening now? 

April 1 is the new moon!

10 celestial bodies in alignment= easy for things to work out smoothly! 


Until April 29th!!!!



The Realm of the Subconscious

We're being influenced without even knowing it!


I want to do it, but I haven't done it.

Things you are procrastinating on. 

It's the time to make a decision!


Before April 17

It's important to get started

before April 17



Congratulations yesterday!YU!

I'm doing voice training lately!


アクセス | 渋谷ヴォイストレーニング、ボイストレーニングならS&S!S&S(エスアンドエス)エンターテインメントスクールへのアクセスリンク

Sakura of Matsuzaka high school

You can change your life! 

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s