Recognize that you are always dreaming,
even when you consider yourself to be awake in your physical reality.
The dream that you are having within your soul= your reality
The dreams we have when we are asleep
Dreams that you know it's a dream
Dreams that you do not know is a dream
The real world is
Ego, consciousness → representations of the dream character
The world you are experiencing
seems extremely solid, and real
when the ego thinks that's all you are.
When you identify with the ego
State of not knowing it's a dream
Being asleep in the dream.
In order for an individual to become lucid in the dream,
there must be awareness.
You must be in a state where you know you are dreaming
Living in a state of wakefulness
Lucid dream state in life
Meditative mind that is anchored into
the here and now
It's real, but it's not real. (simultaneously)
You'll be able to feel it
(You'll still be aware of the narratives and stories that the ego utilizes.
Simultaneously you can recognize that all those things really are just ideas.
They ultimately do not bind or define you, for what you fundamentally are is in a sense undefinable in nature. )
This cultivated awareness will enable you to see the physical reality experience
from a more liberated and disentangled perspective.
That can allow you to see the messages that you are communicating to yourself through the dream through synchronicity.
While there's the ego
you can also observe the ego's presence
with a bird's eye view.
Sending messages to yourself
through synchronicity,
and you can pick it up through synchronicity.
Then you are able to guide your ego intellect, the character on its journey with greater efficacy, virtue and compassion.
Your awareness will help you to see the path that your character is on and guide that character accordingly.
(your higher mind and spirit guides)
See challenging situations
as a dream you had yesterday.
Then you can have more ease and flow in your attitudes regarding it
and interpret it like you would a dream.
And get the messages that will guide you forward.
What happened in the past
And the future to come
See it the physical reality experience
from the perspective that it is a dream.
"Laughter" is the act of
stepping outside the world of "judgment"!
Belly laughs.
It's an energy that comes from the heart and fills you up!
All of it is a trickster.
Any existence,
you can release
by laughing,
Dark things
and fleeting things
Everything is a story.
=Anything can be the key to liberation.
Limitations are
a byproduct of consciousness
2021 movie ranking
1st place
All my Life
2nd place
Love like a Bouquet of Flowers
3rd place
In the Heights
4th place
Story of My Life
5th place
The Guilty
Miho Shrine!!!
I wanna go here〜〜
Morita-san, please take me〜〜〜
WICH PHO Vietnamese food in Kichijoji
Takumi Yamazaki's book
Who should read which book?!
The power to draw out.
The ability to dig out the treasure that lies within a person.
It's not teaching, it's mining!
SUGOI! Way of Earning
How do you make money?
If you don't know the person, you can't get it.
SUGOI! Way of Speaking
90% of our problems are from human relationships.
90% of our joy also comes from our human relationships.
If you're going to learn anything, it's how to talk.
Here and Now.
Bashar's method of making dreams come true by making exciting choices!
Choose the joy of this moment!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s