Friday, February 18, 2022

Humans are made to be happy.


Doing this soon♪

Hope you're looking forward to it〜〜〜♪



This is tomorrow too〜〜〜

Won't you help us save India's poor〜?!
↓↓↓There are 34 more sets of postcards↓↓↓

Ryuki ✨竜亀リットリンク)インドと日本 竜亀さん応援ページ、仏教の道に生きる僧侶「ジャイビーム✨」 すべての存在をしあわせに 、SNS、Youtube、ブログ、商品、HPなど、いま見て欲しいリンクを、まとめてシェアリンク

I have the privilege of helping Mr. Kamei and his vision

to support 150 million people in the poverty class. 


Thank you for your time. It was fun! 


I don't usually read the stars for people I haven't met, but if it's through your introduction, Takumi-san, I'd be happy to give an appraisal session. 


↓↓↓See details here!



This was fun〜〜〜


Humans are made to be happy


People who are watching

know this and that about 

Why that person said that?

Why did he do it

post it, 

think it 

or know about it?



r Mr. Kitakon's book 

"Listening Thinking" is now available for pre-order 

傾聴思考 対談 知性と豊かさを手に入れる 一流をつくる7つの言葉



NHK | Japan advances to semi finals! 

Laughing and crying and lots of crying at the end. 

Curling Women's Qualifying League Finals 

Japan vs. Switzerland 

Beijing Olympics 





Sakamaki-san must be so pleased〜


NHK | 【no edit】Miho Takagi wins gold medal in women's 1000m skating 

 | Beijing Olympics 



NHK | Japa loses to Canada in final, takes silver  | Women's Team Pursuit Speed Skating| Beijing Olympics 

NHK | 日本は決勝でカナダに敗れ銀 | スピードスケート女子団体パシュート | 北京オリンピックの特設サイトは、ライブ配信や放送予定、結果速報、競技や選手の詳しい情報、動画が満載です!リンク

Somehow these tears of frustration motivate me more than winning







Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s