Big names from each industry gathered!
Thank you so much!
It was an extremely stimulating time〜〜〜
First, we started with Keiko Anaguchi〜〜〜
There was a time when she had low self-esteem?!
That was surprising〜〜〜
RIKA-chan and FUMI-kun
FUMI-kun's question・・・
FUMI-kun is a shrine!
Rika-chan talked about
feeling the "here and now" and regaining strength・・・

Thank you so much!
Endo-kun's talk was impressive too・・・
We were guided by Somi's words,
and spent time being solidly grounded!!!
Well, December has begun!
How was your November? !
Let's learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine〜
■ The key to success is to not try to do everything
The universal rule for success at a high level is FOCUS
"What are you focusing on right now?"
Those who can answer this question immediately
are almost always the ones who are successful.
Clear focus leads to high performance.
The key to success is focus, in other words is,
The key to success is to not try to do everything.
The hindrance to excellence is
not that we don't know what to do, it's that we try to do too many things.
"Focus on what needs to be done, and don't do anything else.
You must draw a hard line."
"Drawing the line" is what is difficult.
Robin Sharma, an international best-selling author and mentor to successful people in a variety of industries, has introduced a habit called "TBTF" that geniuses have in common.
TBTF stands for "Tight Bubble of Total Focus," and geniuses have a habit of once they decide what they will focus on completely, they have a habit of focusing so tight so that nothing else can enter their thoughts and vision.
A Nobel Prize-winning scientist once said that many of his major discoveries occurred in the laboratory on Saturday mornings.
In other words, it happened on a day when I wasn't at work,
when I was able to immerse myself in the work without being disturbed by anyone.
It's easy to focus on "what needs to be done."
But the hard part is to draw a line and not do anything else.
(Don't do anything else・or drastically reduce the amount of other things you do)
Peter Bregman, a popular columnist for the Harvard Business Review recommends "focusing on five topics a year"
3 things that are work related and two that are personal
What are the five areas you want to focus on for the coming year, and
it's important to pick an area for you that is so important that you think "It's impossible to not improve this area."
Many people say, "Oh no! I want to do this and that too!"
As I said at the beginning, the reason it is difficult to change your life is not because you don't have anything you want to do, but because you want to do this and that. (too many things)
Instead of reading one book for a week, you want to
read a book, look at Instagram, talk to your friends on line, check out the latest fashion, etc.
You want to do a lot of things.
I'm sure there are people around you who are working hard and doing a lot of things.
But those people didn't just suddenly do multiple things.
Most of them taught themselves to do one thing at a time,
and then eventually the number of things they could do increased.
I know some people get anxious when they suddenly think of a year.
Let's start with the "10-day challenge".
For 10 days, focus your actions in 5 arenas.
Choose something that in 10 days you will be "convinced that it was a good use of your time if you spent your time doing it."
●Step 1: Decide on five areas to focus on for the next five days.
(e.g., cook a meal, clean out your house, increase your expertise, move forward on a deadline, make a plan and work on it)
●Step 2: At the start of your day, write down the actions that relate to these five lists.
Try to list at least once action in each area.
Example: 1: Clean out your house -> Throw away expired items on the top shelf of the kitchen.
2: Move forward on a deadline, -> Complete a rough version of your presentation to Company X today.
As various studies on geniuses and great minds have shown
the shortest distance to success is a zigzag.
They change direction along the way, change what they were doing,
and zigzag their way forward.
Fewer people are successful doing only one thing for decades.
That's why it's important to do the following.
"One day at a time, start working on what you think is important now."
As a result, you will gradually create bigger goals and more meaningful relationships.
●Step 3: At the end of the day, recall the actions you took during the day.
What did I do that was related to these "5 areas".
What we want you to aim for is for the majority of your day to be in these five areas.
If you do this, your life and business will surely take off.
The only thing more difficult than "focusing on something" is to not do anything other than what is important.
One way to do this is to decide on "five areas"
And when you look back on your day,
separate your actions by
"Actions related to the five areas"
"Actions related to things other than the 5 areas."
I hope you will find this useful in your planning methods.
Also, I hope you will read the newsletter and not just say, "This is good"
but my wish is that you can stock ideas on "how I can apply this to my life?"
■For more information about the "Idea Stock" notebook produced by Takamasa Ikeda, click here.
Takamasa Ikeda
1) Have a deep understanding of your business.
Exactly what is your product?
Briefly explain its features in 20 seconds or less!!!!
2) With this 20-second description, what kind of customer will say, "Please sell it to me!" What kind of person is this customer?
3) There are many companies out there, so why should they choose yours?
4) What kind of anger does the customer have that makes them yell? What visual depiction of anger, anxiety, or desire does the customer feel?
5) Why does this product solve that problem easily and in a short time? What suspicions will the customer have as soon as they hear it?
6) What concrete, overwhelming evidence will blow away their suspicions?
I can't come up with a catch phrase.
You don't know how to ask effective questions.
Ask these 6 questions
DM's with a high response rate
1. Has a clear target audience - will they look back when you call them on the street?
2. Describe all the steps up to the final action.
3. Narrow down the target audience to make them feel special.
4. Self-profile and title makes the reader feel secure.
5. A package, not a direct mail.
Can they tell that "this was send for me?!"
What makes a good salesman?!
What criteria do customers use to make purchasing decisions?
1) Trustworthy salesperson
2) Product quality
3) Price
Can we trust the salesman?!
Seller and buyer are equals
(1) Do you need or want to buy the product?
2) Do you have the budget to buy the product?
3) Will there be benefits for both buyer and seller?
It is useless to sell to people who do not want the product
If it doesn't benefit the buyer, say no!
Discernment is key
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s