Friday, December 31, 2021

How to become "someone who takes immediate action!" ! Try something new -> Your brain chooses to maintain the status quo! Take action within 10 seconds!





"37 tips to become a person who does things quickly without relying on motivation".

【Book summary】


Tips on become an "instant action taker"

It's not about willpower.

It's not about guts or motivation.




It's the nature of the brain




Trying new things

Solving difficult problems




The brain doesn't like hassles 

Survival  is a priority, 

so the brain leans toward maintaining the status quo!

1)Create a brain of "someone who takes immediate action" 


  It's not your personality or nature.

 It's the fault of the brain 

 The brain's defense mechanism. 


 People who can move quickly

 Instant nucleus


 It produces dopamine.


 Even when rushed.

 Even if you push yourself,

  there's no dopamine.



 Dopamine is only released when you take action!!!


 Taking small actions 

   gets your brain moving


  Open your notebook 

    and only write the title of your report


 Just do a little bit!


   Not wanting to fail 

   and then trying to do it right 


 That's why we get stuck.


 Don't aim for quality. 

 Start with quantity


 Quantity. Can you do it?


 Take tentative action (tentative decision/action)

 Baby steps!


 Like, doing 3 push ups!!!


 Choose something that you can do in 10 seconds!


1)Easy techniques to become a "instant action person" 

 Regarding things that are a hassle, 

 Do a little bit the day before!


 Don't start with the unknown.

 Start with a little bit of what you know.

 Your brain is producing ideas while you sleep. 


 Do the same work.

   In the same place

 Slip it in!!! →Anchoring


 Make it a habit

 Attach it to something that's already a habit!

 For example, one squat when brushing your teeth



3)Get yourself in a good mood

   Producing dopamine

 temporarily elevates your mood!


 Say things like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!

 and pump your fist in the air! (laughs)


 Jump on High speed with your knees up

 Stair dash! and so on...

   Use your posture to lift your spirits! 


How you feel in the morning!!!

 A morning after a fight

 A busy morning



 Use the mood matching effect!




 When your mood is good in the morning.

 you can see the good things!


 How can you feel good in the morning?!

Create & add habits that make you feel good!!!



↓↓↓You can sig up for a coaching session here↓↓↓

In Japan's society, there is an overwhelming lack of coaches.


It is said that the number of coaches in Japan is one twentieth of that in the United States.

日本とアメリカのコーチング市場規模の差は50倍 - みなと神戸コーチのブログ - みなと神戸コーチングオフィスリンク

Perhaps it's because there is still a feudal sort of organization

where people think, "Who are you to tell me anything?"


From Teaching to Coaching


Now that people are living 

in this era with diverse values


 Penetrating another person's mind

has become an astronomical achievement.


Please experience it first! 


What is coaching anyway?!


↓↓↓Check it here



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s