Yesterday was the recording with teacher, Yoji Arai!
Mr. Arai is・・・
He is the founder of Skin Drive Liberalism, which is a system of osteopathy, qigong, and mental training to free the client's mind and body at the same time, releasing their fullest potential ( ̄▽ ̄)
Regarding consciousness, there is the
conscious awareness of your usual self
and what's called the subconscious!
There is
shallow and
deeper subconscious.
Beyond that, there is a place that is called
the transcendental consciousness.
The shallow area of the subconscious mind,
is where the mind blocks occur
When you have the time, check it out!!!
↓↓↓The law of attraction↓↓↓
He was the BOSS of Kiyo, the guy I work with on Takumen!
Saeko Hirota was amazing!!!
Until the strongest salesperson in the primate world, until "Saeko Hirota" was created.
She met people with conviction and hope that customers who meet me would think, "I'm glad I met Hirota."
The driving force is feeling
"I love it!" "It's so fun!"
When we become an adults, we stop being moved.
That's why it's important for adults to be moved!
Because I believe you can do it.
I'm just telling you how to materialize what I see.
Please do this.
What you can imagine.
you can do.
People gather around your thoughts/vision
That's why she interviewed company presidents.
Complexity is the enemy of action.
You don't have to be liked by everyone.
Find that person's charm
As a human being
there is no such thing as a person who is a minus.
I had the opportunity to talk here.
With other buddies!!!

Mika Nakashima - I Thought I Would Die / THE FIRST TAKE
How do you create a great time?
You enjoy yourself the most!
Thank you everyone〜〜〜
I want to eat real Hiroshima-yaki!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s