Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I decided to become a person of the highest energy, a person of character, a person of gratitude. And then the wonders began to happen!


On the anniversary of Mr. Nagatomo's death

I listened to Rainy Blue

I felt like my body was relax, and put me in a good mood. 



We often sang the epilogue together too〜



It's a really great song〜



Difference between self-interest and altruism


No ulterior motive is the ulterior motive.

=The difference between self-interest and altruism is that there is no ulterior motive, and they get the most in return. 


Common features of lucky people


They don't see bad luck as bad luck.


Konosuke Matsushita's questions when hiring


Do you have good luck?

He hired people who said yes.


It's important to read books, 

to gain knowledge of the overall flow. 


When you are trapped in your own self, 

it gets narrow and stuffy. 




we think of the past

and think about the future


Exercise your gratitude muscles.


Is your energy in good alignment 

with a good flow?! 


If something isn't aligned well, 

you're not using your energy properly.


Align your energy first. 

Then increase the energy

Compose your chi 

Align the frequency


Which direction are you facing in your work?

Are you gathering the chi of others...


There are people who are pulled by the future.

And others who are pulled by the past. 

People who are always worried about the future

People who are excited about the future


People who rely on the glory of the past

People who dwell on sad events of the past・・・


I'm pretty lucky, 

just for having been born in Japan!!! 


I am blessed


I'm in a good mood.

Everything in the world is made for me! 

Go with that belief and you'll 

feel like a king→ full of gratitude!





Suicide Squad


Creators will create the next era of the future. 

If you think it, you can do it

Make the world a better place

A healthy and profitable business.

Then you can budget for your next project again!




Ultimate pleasure = it's altruism!


The ultimate pleasure is to make you happy=Luck.

Selfishness alone

I've never seen anyone fulfilled 

through self-interest alone! 

Selfishness leads only to darkness.


Happiness now!

It's right here!


I determined that ...

I will become a person of the highest energy

I will be a person of character, a person of gratitude!!!


And then the wonders began to happen!


Align your energy first!


Become a person of the highest class of character!


God's eye view!


What must I do?





People, money, and luck will follow!


When you get lucky, 

you connect with other lucky people



Takumi Yamazaki's art is being auctioned as an NFT now・・・


↓↓↓This is how things will grow in the future〜↓↓↓

A survey  by Finder's in September 2021. 

Research to over 28,000 people in 20 countries

Respondents answered  "don't know what NFT is".

The highest response was Japan at 90%.

The lowest percentage was 49% in the Philippines.

Respondents who answered "I have an NFT"

Philippines 32% 

Thailand 27% 

Malaysia 24% 

Japan had the lowest 2%.


https://t.co/rTnSQay83S pic.twitter.com/khct2XHfhY

— miin | NFT情報コレクター (@NftPinuts) N






If your mental health is down, clean up your room!

You can't be negative while walking.


Think of your life centered around quality sleep! 


Look who I bumped into by chance in Azabujuban!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

