Thursday, October 7, 2021

Success = evaluation by others Satisfaction = self-evaluation

Success = evaluation by others    
Satisfaction = self-evaluation

Today was a day of learning from morning・・・

MAYO-san from the forest 



Use your inner healer to live your life!

Your guides are within you.



Psychedelic Psychotherapy


It is spreading around the world.


Holotropic Breathwork

Stanislav Grof




Success = evaluation by others 

Satisfaction =self evaluation 

I learned from Suzuki-san about Source〜♪

What's exciting to you?


Real excitement.

Fake excitement.

1)Do you know ?!

Or not?!

1) Do you understand?

  Don't you understand?


What does "your heart rejoicing" mean?


What can you do? !

Be a professional!

Success is the process of becoming a professional.


Who's happy?

My heart, I want to be satisfied




There are things we believe = social conventions


It's an important aspect of life


It's wonderful and admirable

But boring


They blind us to the possibilities and the voice of our hearts!


2)How to use the excitement you find work 

within the framework of society?! 

Selfishness Spontaneity


Are you excited about work today? 

There was a storm of complaints about that commercial that it was taken down right away. 


Living things 

It's Comfortable = excitement at source has a wide range


Exciting excitement = red excitement     Winning Achieving

Blue excitement = quiet excitement     A child's sleeping face Hot spring

Warm excitement

Joyous excitement 


Live a life based on excitement




・Partnership    What needs do you/they have?! Learn their ideals 

・About money     Creating money through excitement =work 





Going beyond your small self


"There are things you can do, but you don't have to."


Please do what you really want to do!


Like astronauts.

I can tell you stories that people haven't experienced before!


Morning and noon, this same person came up. 

Stanislav Grof・・・




Stanislav Grof researched psychedelic therapy using LSD in transpersonal psychology, and later developed holotropic breathwork using breathing techniques. Along with Abraham Maslow, he is one of the founders of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology [1]. 


Thank you Mr. Suzuki

With everyone!!!

With psychic Tamie-san! 

Voice CEO Mr Omori〜〜〜

Video shoot for Stories!!!

It's been a while since I last met Kojima-san 〜♪

Grateful to everyone in each area!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s