Saturday, August 7, 2021

This is good! "7 things to do during obon holidays"


It was unfortunate, but was moved by his offense! 

【途中棄権】400mリレー選手 Interview【FINAL】#ATHLETICS#陸上#男子400mリレー#JAPAN#TOKYO2020#OLYMPICS#covid#東京五輪#東京オリンピック#コロナリンク


I know that bittersweet feeling・・・

I've experienced it too 


Because it was such a big stage too, 

it must have felt quite different. 


[Tokyo Olympics!] Nozomi Tanaka  Japan Championship 

1500m last 100 m collection! (So persevering!!!) 

[東京オリンピックで入賞!]田中希実選手の日本選手権 1500mのラスト100m集!(粘り強すぎる!!)田中希実選手の日本選手権1500mのラスト100m集卜部選手をはじめ、進化し続けている女子中長距離界の中、日本選手権でこの差は圧巻です。ラストでも体幹や頭が一切ブレることなく、淡々と走る姿は本当に素晴らしいです!2021年8月6日東京オリンピック(東京五輪)の1500m初出場で入賞(8位)という快挙を果たしました...リンク

 7 things to do during obon holiday

●1:Re-read your "bible" 

●2:Work・Private life 
Write out what is important in those areas, respectively 

●3:Reconsider your sleep・food・exercise 

●4:Reconsider your vision

●5:Make sure any new input you have you've applied to your own life 

●6:Communicate your gratitude to people who are close to you 

●7: Make 1 hour a day for "Solitary time" away from the TV or your smartphone 


We will learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine 〜〜〜!





■ 7 things to do during obon holiday 

●1:Re-read your "bible" 

One thing I would love for you to do during this obon holiday is to 

re-read the book that you would consider your "Bible". 

What those who excel have in common is 

"passion" "belief" "tenacity". 

The book that reminds you of your passion. 

A book that has words and ways of thinking that gives you confidence and courage. 

A book that reminds you to not give up. 

Such books are your "Bible". 

People at a high level don't rely on only their own thoughts. 

By going back to "books/quotes" that inspire them, they get back to their own essence, and gain their tenacity. 

●2:Work・Private life. Write out what is important in those areas, respectively 

Use this time to not only look at what is right in front of you, but also to take a step back and take a look at your life. 

To do that, rather than just thinking vaguely about your future, 

it's important to get out a notebook or memo pad and write it out. 

Q:What is something you want to place importance on in your personal/private life? 

Q:  What is something that you want to place importance on in your business/work life? 

In your personal life, there may be people who say, their health, or friendships or daily life routines, 

and in business, so may say, increasing their skills, acquiring customers, training others etc. 

In any case, it's necessary to get clear on what you want to place importance on at this point in time. 

●3:Reconsider your sleep・food・exercise 

What supports your performance is "sleep・food・exercise".

When these 3 become irregular, 

it can cause frequent issues such as 

"lowered decision making ability" "poor judgement" "lack of motivation." 

I'm not talking about having a bad medical check up results, or because you're overweight, or underweight or such surface things. 

Ask if yourself if you are getting what is necessary to support your best performance. 

・Does your sleep support your best performance?
・Does your eating habits support your best performance?
・Is your exercise habits supporting your best performance?

Have a good look at these 3, and get started improving what you can.

●4:Reconsider your vision・purpose・values 

When you're busy with what you need to do every day, 

what ends to get put on the back burner is a long-term perspective. 

World renowned coach  Anthony Robbins has repeatedly said,

"People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years." 

Japanese Great  Yoshida Shoin has repeatedly talked about the importance of "setting aspirations" . 

If you aren't clear where you are headed in the long-term, 

you can easily be influenced by the day to day. 

Consider 3 long-term perspectives "VISION" "PURPOSE" and "VALUES" 

《VISION》:What sort of a future do you want to realize in the next 3-10 years? 

What is the purpose of your life? What are you living for? What is the purpose of your business? 

If you stopped your business or stopped working, who would be in trouble and for what? 

《VALUES》:What are the ways of thinking or rules that you want to protect through your life and business? (What is your life's constitutions?)

●5:Make sure any new input you have you've applied to your own life 

As I'm always sharing on "Idea Stock" as well, 

but no matter how much wonderful knowledge you've etched into a notebook,

unless you've also written "How can this be applied in my case?"

the knowledge is useless. 

Even among these mail magazines, if there is a back number that you liked, 

then try to find a "phrase that you want to make your own" and write it out and apply it to yourself. 

Someone who has applied one piece of knowledge to their own life has a better ability to execute than someone who has 100 pieces of new knowledge but does nothing with it. 

●6:Communicate your gratitude to people who are close to you 

The people who are active on the world stage most often, the first words they say in an interview is words of "gratitude to the people that support them." 

Most people are never even interviewed, but that doesn't mean that you don't need to communicate your gratitude. 

Being able to show your gratitude will bring confidence and stability of mind. 

Let's make time to thank your friends, family, and ancestors. 

●7:Make 1 hour a day for "Solitary time" away from the TV or your smartphone 

Put your phone down and go for a walk or go to a cafe. 

Even for just 1 hour is fine. 

All geniuses have made time daily for solitude. 

Please try it for yourself too. 

(If you're too worried, then tell your family which cafe you are going to) 

I hope that you don't read this mail magazine and think "This is good!" 

but think "How does this apply to me?" and stock up on those ideas. 

■Takamasa Ikeda Total Production   

For more on the "IDEA STOCK" notebook, see here.


【2021's latest|SNS's Trend survey】

"Tagging" becoming more mainstream than "googling"? 

Show trends of SNS users by age group! 

Japan→There are roughly 80 million social media users (79.75 million) 

In 2022, it's said to expand to 82.41 million users!!!

Users of SNS have expanded to people in the over 40's age range as well. 

"To gather information"  "To kill time" "To catch the trends" 

For people 10's~40's 
and 50's they use it to 
"know the latest situation of their friends and acquaintances "

For those in their 40's, it is a method of  "Communication" 

For teens it's to get 
 "information about celebrities or idols they like" 

For those in 10's~30's
"Beauty/cosmetics" "interesting/entertainment" 

Those in their 40's or 50's have less interest in 
"Beauty/cosmetics" related accounts

"SNS SEARCH" moving from "googling" to "tagging" 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s