Tuesday, August 24, 2021

"The true nature of stagnation" = Following "on the spot judgement" How close can you stick to the plan?


Have you heard of Takarachizu (Treasure Map)?!


It's creating a dream board where you paste your dreams !!!


If you want a new car, 

you put a pamphlet or picture of the car you want on your wall! 

Or go to the dealer and take a photo and put that on the wall of your room! 




It's important that all  of these come together !!!


If what you are doing and what you are saying isn't in alignment

what you want to say will not come across 

Your emotions have to align with what you are saying! 

*What are numbers?! →  It doesn't matter in art (lol) 

Successful people can create their own "Treasure map" inside their heads 〜〜〜













Who knew that having an empty stomach is so good for the body 〜〜〜



From Tsuyoshi Takashiro's mail magazine


If you think "It's not this" then quit it right away with momentum 

You can start it again when you think "I need it" 




Matsuzou Matsushita-san!





From Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine 

Let's learn about the true nature of Stagnation〜〜〜〜〜




■ The true nature of stagnation

Whether it's dieting, increasing your income, learning another language, improving your skills or cleaning your room, 

there is the true nature of stagnation that is common in everything 

This is it 

"You are doing what you feel is right in that moment 

but reflecting back, you won't think it' right" 

This is why fat people stay fat, 

and people with low income stay the same, 

and why messy rooms often stay messy. 

Q:Are there things you are doing in your life that when you look back you think you should have done or shouldn't have done? 

Here is an easy to understand example 

Say you set a goal at the beginning of the month that "I'm going on a diet this month! I won't drink beer before going to sleep!" 

At the beginning of the month, you are motivated, so you know that that is a right course of action. 

However, as your daily life begins, and you come back home after a long day at work and come out of the bath, you think, 

"I worked so hard today, if I don't drink beer tonight, I'll be so stressed that I won't be able to sleep!" 

So you go to the fridge and open a can of beer and drink a sip and feel "This is awesome!" 

However, the next morning when you wake up, your body feels heavy and you're sleepy. And then you think, 

"Awwww, I shouldn't have drank that beer last night" 

As situations like this happen multiple times, it reflects in your weight and your body shape. 

Point 1: At the time, you feel like "drinking beer" is what is right 

Point 2: When you think back, you feel that "what is right was to not drink it" 

The following is a key point I want you to remember 

"Human beings try to justify in their thoughts what they decided to do" 

In this example, "I want to drink beer" was decided, 

after that, your thoughts justified that "if I don't I might not be be able to sleep cuz of the stress." 

The conclusion was decided first and the grounds for it comes later. 

In actuality, from your experience, you have decided that "drinking beer before sleep isn't good" 

but if you follow your own justifications in that moment, the current state remains unchanged. 

When there is on the spot judgement, and our plans, 

we often follow our decisions on the spot. 

This is the true nature of stagnation. 

Have you had such an experience? 

Even if you set a plan to use your days off to study something specialized, 

once the weekend rolls around you say 

"Going to watch the movie is the craze now" 

"I'm tired so I should get good rest" 

etc. and go with your "on the spot judgement"

And after you spent a fun weekend and a while passes you think 

"Awww....why did I not use that time to study" and you regret it and decide once more ・・・

The gap between your "plans" and "on the spot judgement" 

As long as this gap isn't closed, stagnation will continue to exist. 

So how do we overcome this? 

This gap can not be overcome through motivation alone. 

Because it's not that you aren't motivated to "not drink beer." 

In fact, you feel like "If I don't drink beer now I'll regret it" 

and you feel that "drinking beer is the right decision." 

What to do here is "decide on the pain of accepting". 

Decide that, "I'm okay to regret going with the plan instead of trusting my on the spot judgement" 

In actuality, 

it's more common to "Regret not following the plan, rather than to regret following the plan" 

What people who are stagnated have in common is that they are repeating a pattern of "not following the plan and regretting it" 

When the time comes, they feel that "going with how I feel rather than sticking to the plan is better" and do something different from the original plan. 

So "Don't go with what you feel in the moment. Believe in the plan" 

Please give this a try. 

If you follow the plan, the next morning you'll feel "Ahhh I feel refreshed! I'm glad I didn't drink last night!" and it will create new pathways in your brain and you'll eventually start thinking that "not drinking is better for me" 

You'll be able to take action on the things "I wish I did" and if you can decrease the things "I wish I didn't do" then it will undoubtedly change your everyday life. 

Please switch up the example to what applies to your own life. 

I hope you found some useful tips for you here. 

Takamasa Ikeda 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

