Wednesday, August 4, 2021

How to motivate yourself. Once you decide something, make it a set with something else

When we are chasing our goals 

doesn't it happen often that "goal numbers" show up?! 

When that happens・・・

let's bring our focus onto "what makes our emotions move!" 

I want to lose 3 kgs! 

Then I could wear those clothes!!!

I want to achieve sales of 1 million yen! 

Once I do I can go to such and such hot spring 

and invite myself to an expensive este treatment! 


I will go visit my relative in the hospital. 

On the way back, I'll eat 〇〇's takoyaki. 

Once you decide you'll do 〇〇

find somewhere (●●)that makes your heart move 

 And make it a set 

Doing 〇〇!=Doing ●●!

When taking high school exams 

for me it was, if I pass, I can live at the dorm! 

I can get out of my hometown!! 


For university exams, 

it was, if I pass I could ride a car〜

That I could go places with a car 〜


When I put all my energy into work 

it was because if I achieved my goal I could travel abroad 〜

These examples may be corny, 

but I also had many other personal reasons 

that stirred up my emotions. 

Since yesterday, 

I started listing up 

the things that stir my heart and 

light it up 

regarding my next goal. 



The job I want to have in the future

将来なりたい職業、男子中高生の1位は「YouTuber」 - 女子は? (マイナビニュース) - LINE NEWSソニー生命保険は7月29日、「中高生が思い描く将来についての意識調査」の結果を発表した。調査期間は2021年6月9~17日、調査対象は全国の中学生・高校生、有効回答は1,000人(中学生200人、高校リンク

Ranked 5th place among female junior high school students was "Vocaloid" 

When asked what they want to do in the future 


Male junior high school students 

1st place "Someone who posts video's like a YouTuber" (23.0%)、

2nd place "Profession e-sports player" (17.0%)、

3rd place  "A CEO or entrepreneur" (15.0%)、

4th place "IT Engineer/Programmer" (13.0%)、

5th place ”Game commentator" (12.0%)。


Female junior high school students 

1st place   "Singer, Actress, Voice actress or some kind of celebrity" (17.0%)、

2nd place  "Someone who posts video's like a YouTuber" (16.0%)、

3rd place  "Artist work" ・"Beautician" (14.0% each)、

5th place  "Vocaloid"・"Designer"  (11.0% each)




Mixed between Japanese and American


Michael Norman 

400m semi-finalist "I guess it was okay. It was a good experience" 


マイケル・ノーマン400m準決勝進出「まあまあかな、いい経験になった」(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース<東京オリンピック(五輪):陸上>◇1日◇国立競技場◇男子400メートル予選 男子メートル予選で、日本人の母を持つマイケル・ノーマン(23=米国)が6組を走り、45秒35の2着で準決勝へ進出した。リンク




Toshio Okada-san is amazing 





Decide yourself

what you like



Talents are?

What about abilities?


Talents, you should know while in your teen years!!! 



Humanity is evolving 

Yet there are no part way intermediate species 

Did we come from space?!



For if He abides with thee, WHO can make thee afraid?


NPO Japan Edgar Cayce Center






I wonder how I could rewrite it to apply to me?! 



At a cafe I love!

A cafe full of memories

The peanut butter bread he makes it so delicious. 

I want people who come from far to be able to eat it too 〜〜〜

I had him bring 10 people's worth today


It's Takato Fukushima. 

Today I'm taking excerpts from "Mazu Baka ni naro" 

about "why people contribute to make others happy" 

Why does "making people happy lead to contribution"? 

It gave me time to think about this question, 

and gave him hints on how to use the time before I sleep well!! 

Here is the excerpt from that page. 


【Mazu bąka ni naro】(from p160)

"First, start with making someone happy once a week. 

Whether that's a family member, a friend, a lover, or co-workers or even someone you met on the street. 

If you start doing this, you'll mysteriously start to want to support many more. 

And then it becomes a habit. 

I think it's sort of like a moment of awakening or opening up. 

Start with once a week, even from the small things. 

and if you can bring it to daily, that's wonderful. 

And, this is important. 

Every night before you go to sleep, remind yourself 

"I was useful to that person today. That person looked so happy then. I'm glad" 

What I learned from this page‼︎


In this Reiwa era, it's said that the culture will change to one of "contribution". 

How to contribute then? 

Start with once a week, doing something to make someone happy! 

In my case, instead of leaving 6 days inbetween, 

from Monday to Sunday I do it when I feel "this is it?!" 

and I started doing what I could to help my team mates. 

Once a week, is a pretty easy goal. 

From there as it says in the book, 

I started enjoying it, and mysteriously 

felt like doing it more and more 

It's okay to set easy goals first, and raise them little by little later! 

The point is to continue! 

The keyword is 

"What makes life abundant and rich, 

is making someone happy" 

As I implement this, 

I'm also more able to control my emotions and thoughts before I drift off to sleep