Friday, July 30, 2021

The ant and the grasshopper "When will the ant get to play?"



↓↓↓This is interesting〜↓↓↓




We are always putting off joy !!!




The ant the grasshopper. 

There is that famous Aesop's fable. 

The grasshopper that played his life away couldn't make it through the winter, 

and the ant that worked hard was able to make it through the winter. 

"When will the ant get to play?" 

What you want to do! 

Do what is important to you! 




★Rule 1 Invest in "what you can only do now" 


A person's life will end one day. 

However there are hardly any people who live conscious of that. 

Most people are putting off the joy in their life, 

and put up with their life, 

and just keep saving money. 

What will you do just saving up forever? 

"ant" type people  →live like the grasshopper!!!


More than losing money 

A life where you can't do what you want to do・・・


Know what makes you happy !


All of us will eventually die. 


★Rule 2 Spend money on experiences as soon as possible


Don't be influenced by others. 

Spend money on what is important. 

Why are you saving money? 

Why are you putting up with life and not doing what you can only do now? 

Believe in the value of your experiences! 


Life is the sum of your experiences

Invest in your experiences  


★Rule 3 Die with Zero


Die without leaving any money!

If you didn't use all the money you made 

and left 100 million →That's 100 million yen worth of experiences you lost 


★Rule 4 Be conscious of the last days of your life 


★Rule 5   Give to your children "before" you die 


★Rule 6 Optimize "money, health and time" for your age 


★Rule 7 Be aware of the expiration date on the things you want to do 

Top 5 regrets of the dying 

by Bronny Ware who was in palliative care 

1st was "I regret I didn't have the courage to do what I wanted to do" 

2nd was "I regret that I worked this hard" 

By the way, the 2nd place regret was first place for men! 


★Rule 8 Start using your assets from around 45-60 years old 


★Rule 9 Take bold risks

【To those who don't know how to live 】Summary of DIE WITH ZEROおつキリン!セミリタイアを目指している、黒うさぎです。本日は、投資界隈のバイブル的存在「DIE WITH ZERO」の書評をしていく。●DIE WITH ZEROの黒うさぎ的要約★プロローグアリとキリギリス有名なイソップ寓話ですね。遊んでばリンク



Not an organization 

but a network 

From pyramid to 


For those who have information 

Get active! 

People gather where they want to be involved! 


A world where we don't decide on goals has begun!

example) The amount of sales, calculating backwards, scheduling it 


With this method, we can't keep up with the speed!


Do what you want to do now!!!

Pick up on what you see in front of you!!


The universe will teach you your goals 

Those who do what is in front of them 

the universe creates synchronicities ===


Let go of the skills you learned until now 


Things often go well for young people 〜〜〜


These next 3 years 


2021〜2024・・・Scrap age 

This coming area is perfectly new 

That's why it will also be an era of "destruction" 

Money will also disappear and 

the concept of countries will also change and become smaller. 


The flow of building・・・

People will begin making communities 

In order to create social connections in the planet,

there will be small communes of people who want to live a certain way! 

Currencies will likely be generated that can only be used in the communities! 



The new earth will be regenerated !!!

We're going into the  era of build・・・


The world now will collapse


We must protect our hearts by using the power of community! 


Having a variety of personalities 

is what the universe wants 〜〜〜


Perhaps more fluffy concepts are good going forward?!

Relax and move forward 〜〜〜!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s