I met Ayumu Takahashi and Imocchan
I met them in real life ....it's been a while〜〜♪
Not only recycling
but upcycling.
Not resurrecting something that no longer has value
but promoting it to something with more value!
Increasing its value.
I learned about Precious Plastic!
This is true for humans too, is it not?
What is precious plastic?

*Lookig for someone who can create this machine〜
Is there anyone who is good at this〜〜〜?!
IMMOCHAN is working on this too〜
I recorded a radio show/podcast with Hiromi Wada yesterday!

*Please read this story!
It's a treasure trove of learning!
This 4 hour seminar with 4 speakers
at this price! (lol)
Please join from zoom 〜〜〜
I will be talking about "interpersonal relationships"!
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What a combination 〜〜〜
This is the concert members on 8/8!
60 members of The Motivation Switch Association will gather here〜〜〜
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s