Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The new era: People who can keep their motivation and take action even if they no longer need to work are those that will survive

Listened to himalaya from morning・・・

Tomoko Kokoroya's voice during the meditation was so relaxing and healing 〜〜〜



心屋 智子 | himalaya心屋 智子 | himalayaリンクwww.himalaya.com

This made me happy too!!!

Thank you!



Thank you so much for yesterday!

I feel like I can open a new door〜〜〜

I received lots of photos of the fun time☆゜:*:・゜

Grateful to everyone in each region!

                                    Thank you for the zoom!




1)Find what you want to do!

  To grab ahold of big opportunities 

      just common sense is not enough. 

      It's not just about knowledge or relationships or good luck 

     Taking those steps into the insane is needed! 

     That's why it's important to stop listening to others 


2)In this era, thanks to the internet 

     it is possible to access important people individually. 

      That's why stop listening to mass media that just 

     communicates one way information. 

    It's now an era which individuals will have their own media 


3)The current compulsory education does not actually teach the essentials 

     We are now able to learn as we like via the smartphone


Cannot let go of you being you. 

Just saving money is a waste of money. 


Ownership is nothing but a risk 

Owning→Will not make people happy 

The happiness does not last long 

The joy of acquisition ≠ The joys of ownership 

They are not the same thing 



A stable job 


↓↓↓The days of these being considered good are over 

Those who will survive this new era are 

those who can maintain their own motivation 

and take action, 

even if they no longer need to work. 

We are entering an era when working is no longer necessary 

The courage to do what we want to !!!


Stay away from the curse of lack of goods! 

GDP is the value of working converted into money. 

There are more and more intangible goods showing up. 

Like You tubers, influencers, 

and even volunteers getting money from crowdfunding 

or being supported from donations 

Their play and hobbies have become their work 

We must realize where the riches are 

 Good information 

Get an accurate bird's eye view 


Riches will not run out 

and are right near you 〜

The world is overflowing with wealth 

AI and robots will also create wealth through work 

This is an era with lots of preparatory time 

An era is coming when we will only do what we love to do 

In this era, people with interesting/fun faces, and things and attitudes

will win 

In the past, the world valued "common sense" 

In the future


It's fine to have common sense 

but you must also have the boldness to break through that common sense with speed, 

and in a good way, be someone who lives outside of social norms. 

You have to be up for anything!!!



Taking action is number one!

Don't be concerned about what others think!

Just do what you love!


Still some people can't take action!


Perhaps they feel guilty or insecure about the future 

Many people do not even notice the multiple opportunities that come their way 

There are no opportunities that are a perfect fit for you 

Still give it a chance〜〜〜

Everything is an opportunity!



Adjust while you're on the road!!!

And that's when your hidden talents will show up 〜〜〜〜


If you put others feelings first

you'll only be robbed of your own time 

The reactions of others is not your problem 


How will you acquire your own time for yourself ?!




【The journey of attraction】

(Taken from p:64)

Through "stimulation"

your "points of view" changes 

and so does your "cognition" 

Actively and easily creating this change is the journey. 

I am now surrounded by such conditions, 

this is why my life is this way. 

And yet this world that may seem so sure 

can also one day change completely. 

If "you" change, your "meaning" changes and that changes your "world" 

Why I chose this part 


I used to think that a "journey" is a long-term thing where you go somewhere far, for example a journey overseas. 

This book changed my perspective on this. 

What's important is getting yourself out of your "daily routine"! 

Once you can do that, every day can be a "journey of attraction" 

It's been harder to go on longer journeys, 

but that's all the more reason why going somewhere nearby 

and finding something that can create a different you is important. 

Even going out for lunch somewhere different on your day off creates "stimulation" 

and can be part of an important "journey of attraction" 

In fact, once a month I go to my friends shop for lunch to get stimulated and to discover new trains of thought. 

I always realize something new there. 

This new era is compared to a private trip. 

You have to decide if you want to go anywhere. 

No one else is going to reserve it for you. 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

