Today we had a review meet!!!
Thank you Sophie
"Gratitude" and "Negativity" cannot co-exist!
5 minutes of "gratitude time" has the power to bury darkness
Greed is like a black hole,
that swallows things up and makes one heavy.
Send honey rays (=loving thoughts) to the other person!
Do honeydew meditation
Imagine the love as dripping honey
and gift it to the another 〜
If you watch the movie called Lucy,
after learning about the 4 steps,
I think you'll find it to be very deep!
Circle day
Once a week
or 3 times a month make time
To do nothing
Meet nobody
Cut off from every day life
Let go of PC, smartphone, TV
Don't even talk with other humans
and shut out information from the outside!
Make time to think about your dreams
and look inward
Write up a gratitude list!
Be in nature and go for walks, do yoga, meditation
The ideas birthed during that time will be wonderful!
Gratitude list
First start with those close to you, and your loved ones and family
and then go a little further
People who you may not know but who you are receiving the services of
and expand it from there
Some people think,
I'm paying money
it's an equivalent exchange
is it necessary to say thank you?!
but not so
Gratitude and contribution
are one of the greatest investments you can make in self!
The third eye is the eye of logic!
43% of people have said that their levels of
happiness have gone up since corona.
The happiness gap!!!
People working form home are able to face inwards again.
Perhaps the era of
a good company
a good job
of good things!
will end soon?!

Yesterday's miracle!!!