Marketing Strategy version
How much strategy do you need to create?
How do you do it?
3 points of Strategy
・Present location (understanding where you are now)
・The goal
・The pathway there (strategy)
S curve
Corporate life cycle
Understanding humans
Substandard Sudden growth Maintaining peak Decline
Introduction period→Growth period→Maturation period →Decline
The length of each period is the same
If the introduction period is long, then the growth and maturation period will also be long
Not spending money during the introduction period
Use your head
Center things around the core members
Sales by president
During the growth period, place effort into increased awareness
Buy your sales through commercials(CM)!
During the maturation period focus on repeats
Introduction →new customers
Value your fans
Decline period
New businesses
Once it reaches over 16%
the early majority will start coming!
Continually create an introduction period!
Continue to create peaks.
Make the valleys as small as possible!

Corporate life cycle
9 stages
1)SEED Marketing (attracting customers/improving profits) =Find the winning pattern!
Do trial and error though taking massive action!!!
2)SMALL Core products (sellable products) Strengthening your winning pattern Optimizing Create something that "If this sells we will make a profit!!
3)GROW Maximize Resolve execution failure Ensure that the tasks get done!
4)MANAGE Influence, Human relationship and personnel system Compatibility
Philosophy penetration
5)PEAK Business management/high morals/chase the numbers/Kizuna management
6)MAZE Start getting lost /Business model innovation/ Decide the next policy (focus) /Shift to the spiritual world
7)AGING Business reduction/Restruturing/ Decide how to settle things down/ Reducing costs
8)TERMINAL Do you need support/Is there someone you can consult with?!
9)ENDING Think of the next business!
Think of the next life cycle!!!
Companies that continue to grow continue doing
Understanding humans
1)Organization (=Not doing it alone)
Marketing director
Copy writing
Sales C/S
2) Verbalize the message that resonates with the customers!
Understand the emotional side
3)Understand your own strengths
Michael Gerber
"Let's take the first step!"
・Artists/Artisans Are currently 70% They focus on "Quality"/The quality of their work
・Entreprenuers Future 10% Focusing on "making money"
Numbers/Achievement/Not good at management/ Always change what they're saying/Act on impulse
・Leader Manager Past 20% "Human relationships" planning, love management
Powerful message
If you lean towards logic, you become more of a Gian type
If you lean towards emotions, you because a "let's do it together" type
Weak message
If you lean towards logic, A you become a fussy type...Is that okay? What about that?
If you lean towards emotion, S you become a type that starts working without talking
SWOT analysis
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
What are the opportunities?
What are you afraid of?
And ・・・
What are the necessary skills to learn?
What are the challenges and countermeasures?!
Strengths are "desire for growth"
Weaknesses "don't like managing others. Hope that people can learn on the ground!"
Opportunity "What I learn is useful for others"
Fears "Might deviate from the ground, and mistakes may happen"
So "need staff that are good at management"
Countermeasures are "me being conscious of that" and "finding the right personnel"
All-round science
The gap between your ideal and the current situation
What closes the gap is the "ISSUE"
Diagnose the current situation and
develop measures according to the principles
The little problems pile up
and I am tossed about by it・・・
In order to handle it
a high state is required
1)What is right?
2)Where do you want to go?
To clarify
S Is is Specific?
M Is it Measurable
A Is it Actionable?
R Is it Realistic?
T What is the Timetable?
Every day
Make your goals clear in your heart!
Say it outloud !!!
Just saying "Every morning I will confirm my goals before starting work"
will change everything
Adjust your focus
Verbalize your thoughts
Clarify your vision
What are you doing it all for?!
Gerber's 10 laws
1)I can be 10,000 times as much as I think now
2)You will not be more than your ideas
3) System
4)Meaningful results
5)Business school
6)Communicate your mission to people
7)A lofty goal
8)There's life in it. It's not mere tasks. You are serving God
9)Standard (different from others)
How to make it 10000 times =the law
How to make it 10M X ?!
What to do?!
1)Do a business that has constant demand
Something that anyone wants
2)Do an expandable business
With people, and the area
3)A structured business
Once you turn 35, get a part time job at McDonalds
If you do, you'll understand about systems!!!
The law of 100X thinking
What to do to get 100 time results?!
If you continue a 10% increase for 20 years it will be 100 times!
Say it outloud!
Things that sell sell easily
But things that don't sell don't sell easily
So do battle with what sells
Create a secure model with a winning product!
A core central product
When a not good situation continues
and you keep trying
you might suddenly come into a buzz!
and then it goes down again,
and if you still continue, it buzzes again
and you go up the ladder! (It's worse than the image)
How to win without fighting!
Stand in a good place
Increase profit rates
Heighten awareness
What caused people to remember it/me?!
Get superiority through differentiation
Verbalize your strengths
3C Analysis
Keep those 3 in mind
Who are they?
What do they want?
Client=Someone you must protect
Your company's strengths?
What can you do?
What are your competitors doing?
Are you looking at your competitors HP daily?
Shonan Beauty Clinic's Aikawa-san looks daily!
Look at other companies. Learn from others
Front end →Back end
If your product for attracting customers doesn't attract customers then its not the right thing!
A profitable product is something that maximizes your company's unique value!
ABC theory
Customer(A)before purchase
Who is he/she and what do they want?!
Bring them to C, a happy state
How did you do it?!
What good will happen from purchase?!
=Verbalized the benefits
Business Model
WHO ・・・ Who are the customers?!What kind of people are they?! What issues are they facing now?!
WHAT・・・ What product?! What are the benefits?!
HOW・ How to attract customers?! How to differentiate?! How to sell?!
It is already ice age conditions→monthly pay
Those who graduated from university/graduate school --166,000 yen
Those who graduated from junior/vocational college 161,000 yen
about 70% of new graduate employees
They will live in a employee dorm in Awaji island.
Dom costs are 26,000 yen and food is 39,600 yen
A separate tuition required for training courses /
Panasonic says they will hire 1,000 new employees to "not create a ice age"

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s