"How to connect" is more important than
"how to communicate"
What a great saying〜〜〜♪
This was written on the sash of a book called ONE
In this new era, how will connect with others will be brought into question
Club house
"weirdos" →"common people/normal"
Because if we're not normal we feel anxious
John Kim sensei♪
"Live streaming whats inside my head"
Souun Takeda sensei ♪
We can't suffer over 3 seconds!
Yet for some reason we feel that we can gain more through suffering
Old role model (largely due to the influence of the media)
to the
new role model
If we're not suffering,
we were disliked or people got jealous.
The culture of suffering
It's because of this respect for suffering
that groups can take shape.
Those in power dislike "everyone having a free will"
They want people to believe "hardship is a virtue"
Vertical Horizontal/natural
Internet revolution
Information revolution
No longer a purpose for organizations?!
Everyone is beginning to realize〜〜〜
It cause a democratic revolution
Everyone is the same 〜
Humanity is headed in a good direction!

YouTube channel meeting!
We will launch this YouTube into the world
with our small engine〜〜〜
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s