Mental blocks are
habits in your way of thinking until now!!!
Rewrite it
Change your frequency
Rewriting your subconscious is easy !!!
Take action and take data!
Then you can birth new work
all you need to do is create it!
Take off the lightbulb that you "can't"
and change the lightbulb to you "CAN!!" and look at that light!
Yesterday a bunch of us gathered and it was lots of fun!
If you had another 500,000 yen added onto your monthly salary, wouldn't that be awesome?!
If you had 800,000 yen monthly income ・・・
How great would that be?!
35 million
year end bonus
Kahara Hotel @Yokohama
All expenses paid trips are also the best!
Lanai island....was also amazing!
It's fun for everyone and its not a lonely achievement!
What's important is the power of your belief!
It's like Koshien.
Even if you think its an out, if you run wholeheartedly, an error could happen and you could win a point that would change your team!
You can also understand the awesomeness of professional baseball.
But when we were a venture, it was like a Koshien baseball championship.
"If I don't do it, who will?"
I thought I wouldn't make it
I thought it was it.
There was no going back.
But I thought, "This person believes in me"
I looked at that notebook every day that said "recovery!"
and as a result, I was able to!
I thought I couldn't do it anymore, but achieved it easily the following year.
Your own beliefs and promises ・・・
If you give it your all, miracles happen.
There are also many reasons why I want to if I look for them.
You'll be okay.
The chances will come to you
You'll be stretched in unexpected ways!
Those challenges come to those who are running full speed!
Your "current state" is what you have created yourself.
You believe that "This person is no good" and you're creating that to be so.
Think about how you want to become,
unrelated to the past!
I thought I had reached my limit
But it's possible to break through that limit.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s