Monday, November 2, 2020

Your life will change by just building the habit of "doing things right away"

 In the first of the month meeting yesterday, 

I talked about "If you get an idea, do it right away" 

The Law of Immediate action! 

Then Mr. Mochizuki's mail magazine said 




 Life's coupons 

    The more fun it is, put a deadline on it



What images does this word bring up for you? 






People tend to procrastinate anything 



 Doing paper work, 

going to art museums 

it's always barely before the deadline !!!



In the future everything seems possible 

We are led to believe in that in the future....

There is more time than now 

You will have more skills than now 

and there will be less obstacles now. 

・・・but is that true?!


The coupons with a long due date are often left unused! 

People end up thinking 

"There's still time" 

"I'll do it when I have more time" 

"I'll do it once things are settled" 

Don't you have such "life coupons" just waiting to be used? 

That's exactly why the funner something is, 

give it a deadline (a shorter one) 

By just making a habit of doing things right away, 

your life will change !!!


 Thank you everyone〜〜〜♪


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s