Monday, November 30, 2020

The difference between being "employed" and "having your own business" From doing what you're given to becoming the one giving

 Points regarding your business mindset 



Akiko-san's business talk, from India!

The mindset of 

being employed 

and doing it yourself 

is totally different! 


From doing what you are given 


being the one on the giving end


The things that don't go well, it's because you're 

not used to it! 




To get used to this way of working, 

the key is doing the numbers!!!


The people who are persistent

and are fully immersed are those who are having fun! 


Copy the people who are successful

Don't try to adjust it to your own style. 

Analyze that person. 

Don't expect huge results right from the start. 

Be proud of yourself and praise yourself for the small experiences of success you have・・・



Points for using YouTube for work 


・Editing is not necessary 


Give everything you have!!!

Talk about what you'll be talking about at the beginning of the video !

About 10 minutes 

Write as much as you can in the summary column 

Add links (→To go to the service/ to go to your SNS) 

Add tas 

More than the recognition of others, 

focus on the quality of the content! 

There will always be people who give bad ratings 



Nippon TV・Bereza 

Rep. History 

Japan Womens rep. (Nadeshiko Japan) 

2003年 International friendly match vs. USA first Japanese female appearance 

2003 4th FIFA Women's world cup /USA competition Japan women's rep member ・
2005 International Friendly match vs NZ first rep goal 

2006  Asian Games 

Rep of Universiade 
2003 Summer season Universiade 
2007 Summer season Universiade 


Last night I spent writing my book on coaching. 

I talked with Keiko late at night・・・


I recommended half day fasting!!!



Authophagy is powerful !



Using a 3D printer to build houses! 







【Real life seminars】

■December 15th (Tue)19:30~ SUGOI! Way of Speaking 2020 Introduction seminar @Shibuya seminar space 

※From SP

This is one of the few seminars where you can meet Takumi Yamazaki in person and hear him speak live! 

This seminar will be in a cozy atmosphere where you can learn alot about communication skills! Hope to see you there(^^)/

You may choose either "live participation" or "online participation" 
Those who live far can also join online!



Recent blog post rankings!!!


1st place 



7 signs you found your mission 





1. Can take the actions necessary to achieve your plans 

2. Can concentrate on your work

3. The opposition of others doesn't move you 

4. You feel you can accomplish something 

5. You can create a big outcome

6. You feel happiness 

7. You are making progress



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s