All growth is "rapid growth"
This mail magazine by Mr. Mochizuki was also outstanding!
Let's learn from it
The leaf of the waterlily floats in the pond
It's size doubles daily.
According to predictions, it should completely cover the
pond in 60 days.
At which day will it be half the size?
Most will say,
"Isn't it after 30 days?"
But you're wrong.
The answer is・・・
On the 59th day!
The point is that "it doubles in size daily."
So that means the on the 59th day, it's half the size of the 60th day.
Which would be half the size of the pond.

I received this from a friend〜〜〜
I got hungry watching this and ate nuts (lol)
I'm doing half day fasting〜〜〜♪
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s