Wednesday, October 14, 2020

"Cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking", "knowing about knowing"


7 pockets "wise suggestion time" @ZOOM

Time: October 20th 2020  10:00 PM 





Having multiple incomes!!!

7 sources of income!!!!


You can get useful suggestions here〜〜〜


From Mr. Noda's mail magazine

 "The 'irritation' and 'discomfort'

you feel towards others, 

teaches you the kind of person you are" 

Carl Gustav Jung 

Knowing yourself and 

being able to see yourself from the 3rd person

is important

Whether you have meta cognition 

or not? 



Metacognition is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking", "knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of one's awareness" and higher-order thinking skills. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond", or "on top of".[1] Metacognition can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or problem-solving.[1] There are generally two components of metacognition: (1) knowledge about cognition and (2) regulation of cognition.[2]

As one follows the origins of the concept of metacognition, you arrive at the anciet Greek philosopher Socrates. The famed idea of "ignorant wisdom". 

"They know nothing yet think they are wise. I know that I know nothing." 



 This voice is really good〜〜〜〜


↓↓↓Listen to it while doing something else↓↓↓


*It's perfect for while you're in your car, moving! (lol) 



When you had an exciting day and go home 

and reflect on the day ・・・


There are times when I think, 

Oops I talked too much 

I shouldn't have said that 

That talk was no good〜〜〜


Sometimes it even gets me down. 

Yesterday I visited Kai-san's house 


Today I felt bad for staying for so long, 

and maybe it disturbed him 〜(lol) 

I'm sorry〜〜〜〜

But it was so fun〜〜〜〜〜〜♪

Apparently this photo was taken 6 years ago〜〜〜

Yesterday the same members met up. Lol 

Thank you so much! 



Information from Mr. Ita 




🌏Future Information 🌏

Enabling non face to face explanation when selling/buying real estate


💁For people who...💁

#Real estate sales

#More things can be done online 



Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism announced on the 12th that they will move towards enabling acknowledgment of non face-to-face explanation for real estate sales. 

Until now it was a requirement freal estate businesses to meet in person. The plan is to allow contracts to be signed online to increase consumer convenience. 



Due to corona, the spectrum of what is possible and can be done online is expanding. It will no longer pass to say, but our industry is ●●. We should move toward moving the things that are better online online. 



🌏Future Information🌏

Alphabet's next moonshot goal is "farming" 

 Collecting data via field robots


💁For people who ...💁

#Future farming

#Farming is IT

#Google's Parent company 



American company, Alphabet's "moonshot" department X announced on October 12th their newest project (MINERAL) 

They say they aim to revolutionize farming and build a highly productive food production system 



Farming now is a IT business as I said on my Youtube live yesterday. 

What will become of the future of farming? It's worth paying attention to. 


(Additional reference )

Other businesses by ALPHABET






Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s