Monday, August 31, 2020

Video from my conversations with Bashar in February!


Bashar+Takumi Yamazaki 

4 equations to drastically change your life 



Thank you!


"Surprising breath method" to raise your brainwaves (Bashar) 



I see, I heard the sound of this breath. 

I see, this is how its done 

Brings you straight to gamma waves ♪



This is interesting too!


For those who want to learn coaching, see here! 


The new text arrived 

Thank you, Sarana! 





“Teaching" and "Coaching" 

When you compare these two, 

the one that gives opportunity to increase motivation 

and put into action is definitely "coaching". 

Today I took excerpts from "Motivation Switch! Practical seminar!" 



【Motivation Switch! Practical seminar】(from p111)

Unlike "teaching" that teaches "This is how you should do it!" 

there is "coaching" that draws out the answer from within that person. 

Those are answers that came out of the mouth of the person themselves 

so that automatically gives way to taking action voluntarily. 

Also by asking your own self questions, 

the answers are born naturally, and it can help to clarify what to do. 

What's good about this method is that you don't have to blame yourself, 

and still get the power you need to move forward." 

Why I (Fukushima) chose this phrase. 
Regarding teaching and coaching, I was taught this very simple example. 

"Teaching" teaches one how to fish. 

"Coaching" helps one devise a way to fish. 

This example was most easy to understand for me. 

There are two things that I keep in mind now. 

"The posture of independently enjoying what is in front of me" 

and "The posture of continuing to learn by taking initiative" 

I've thought deeply about these two, and "The Motivation Switch! Practical seminar!" gave me the solution and opportunity to put it into action. 

(More accurately, it was the 5 questions written in the page before) 

Because you thought yourself and came up with an answer yourself, there is no one else to blame. 

Furthermore, it enables you to take full responsibility of it. 

Our motivation switch can be found anywhere and can be turned on at any time. 

"Self coaching" to switch on your motivation in just 5 minutes" 

You can find this in the "Motivation Switch! Practical seminar!" 




1 minute a day!

Lose weight in a healthy way through the plank twist 

【Burn fat】【Beautiful waist line】〜

1 Min Hip Dip Plank




Qualifying finals  men 110mH 

 Fukui Night Games2020



Japan record at 0.02!!!

From around 12minutes 15 seconds ・・・


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s