Monday, August 31, 2020

Everyone started moving at the same time. To make a tree grow tall, the roots much go wide and deep


Doesn't it look like its smiling?!(lol)

What I've been saying from the other day 

Everyone is feeling the same things at the same time. 


Of course "what you do" is important

"Why you do it" is extremely important 


For a tree to grow tall 

The depth of the roots matter 


Roots=Do you know yourself well?


What values do you place importance on?

How do you want to become?

What needs to happen for you to recognize that it has come true? 

Who do you want to make happy 

What will you gain when you achieve it? 

What future will it open up for you? 



There is a notebook for you to do self coaching 




Takumi Yamazaki AW news→




September is the "Chrysanthemum Festival" (ChongYang Festival)




This is a day if you float chrysanthemum  petals in Japanese sake and pray for health and long life it will be granted. 

It's also said that if you speak of the dreams that you have with your family and those important to you, it will come to pass within a year ✨


There are often edible chrysanthemum sold at the supermarkets, and in some areas around September, you can see the flowers sold at the shrines so its worth checking😁


For me, all the things I wished these past 10 years came true😆



Japanese sake is clean sake. 

So don't complain. 

It will suck up your  energy and then you'll drink it. 

Beware of the words you speak when you drink. 


9 is a number related to money 


Played a!!!

Coaching festival!!!

Thank you



Ooyama training from morning 

Thank you



It's too bad I couldn't go for lunch yesterday. 

Oh! You're collecting sheep aren't you?! 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s