■The purpose is to make life better. Work goals are just means
There are two types of goals.
One is the "push type"
Push means to "push" but it means you trying to push yourself to get yourself moving.
"I must do it or else!" "If I can't even do this then I must be a failure!"
"If you can't even do this, that you'll keep losing to him"
Goals that are chased by people push themselves like so.
Regardless of whether it's a goal that you are aiming for,
the person has a sense of duty and impatience that "I must do this"
The other is "pull type"
Pull means to be pulled, but it's not someone else pulling you,
but it's the type where you are pulled by your own goals because you are so drawn to and attracted to that goal.
It's similar to how you find yourself researching or making bookings for that trip during Golden Week, that place you want to go next holiday, that purchase you want to make that is on sale.
It's a goal that you can naturally feel drawn to.
With the way of thinking of "goals" many people only know of the world of "push type". Because of this, just hearing the words "lets set goals" is enough to feel stressed and nervous like it'll definitely be something difficult.
However, for all high performers who are performing at a high level, when they talk about goals, they are talking about the "pull type".
They set goals that make them naturally want to get closer to those goals.
It's not something that is being forced on them by another, but they are drawn to it as they life that they want to live.
So, how can you set pull type goals?
Research shows that "the depth of self-awareness is proportional to the level of achievement"
In other words, how deeply you understand your own self, is what decides how much you can achieve.
What becomes especially important is
your values of "what you want to place importance on."
Whether it's a push type goals
or pull type goals
what greatly differentiates the two is "whether or not you are fulfilling what you value".
If its fulfilling your values, then it will be pull-type,
but if what you values are not there in those goals then it will be push type.
What do you want to place value on?
Also, what becomes very important when setting pull type goals is to "clarify what you want in life" not only in work.
When many people set goals,
its often around work or diets or language learning etc.,
but decreasing work, and language skills, all of those things are only "a means to make your life better."
There is something you desire from life, and work exists as a means to achieve that.
For those who "what they want out of life" and "their work goals" are connected, they are able to set "pull type" goals.
because they have a clear goal and ideas on "I want my life to be like this" "I prefer a life like this!"
Requirements at work, "I have to achieve this for the company"
"I have to do this to please my boss" ....when those things are not connected to "what you want out of life" your energy will take a huge hit.
There are 5 months left to the year,
let's take this opportunity to think about "goals" that will bring you closer to your "ideal life"
I said let's think about it,
but I recommend to look at it from these 3 viewpoints
The first is 「THINK」。
This is the think that everyone imagines.
On a paper, let your pen go, and think about what kind of life you want to create.
The second is「FEEL」。
This is allowing your intuition to take the lead.
Not whether it's realistic, but listen to your true feelings that say "I want to do it" "I want to try it"
The third is 「DO」。
This means to "try it".
If there are many options, then do it within the range that you an, and then observe how you feel about it.
Contrary to what many people believe,
the lives of many of the great people
did not go in a straight line, but was full of detours.
They went through multiple experiences and learned how they want to live their lives.
Society tends to criticize mistakes and failings,
but unfortunately, life is a continual choice.
There is no one who can continually not make the wrong decision.
Everyone makes mistakes. So even if you make a mistake, you are not alone.
We all learn little by little through our own thoughts, experiences and intuition,
who we are, and what we want to do.
Life is not a journey to find ourselves.
You don't have to think that you will find yourself somewhere.
Life is a journey to continually create yourself.
The you this year that is different from the you last year.
The you today that is different from the you yesterday.
Continuing on this process is what gives us fulfillment and happiness.
Now it's August. What you will you create?
I hope you find hints for you here
Takamasa Ikeda
Photos from the talk life with Mifuyu Ando the other day !!!
It was extremely fun・・・
next time we'll do "everyone's Bashar" together♪

We will "dig" reeeal deep with Sammy and Yukiyo-san (lol)
Charity seminar on August 8th night!
・・・What I discovered today is,
that it's about where you place your focal point?
What is "left" when you let go of your attachments?!

Sakurai sensei is amazing・・・
↓↓↓Let's all write in our lucky chars on August 19th together↓↓↓
TIKTOK is funny!(lol)
Earning billions
Getting results
Appealing to the 5 senses
Question style sales
You can learn English too〜〜〜
and Korean and Chinese ・・・
DeChambeau's 423-yard drive
"No Way!" "Unreal"
↓↓↓A video of it↓↓↓
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