Friday, August 7, 2020

Let's create 7 pockets of income!


The coming economy・・・


There are currently 1.4 million people who are unemployed, 

and 4.2 million that business are employed through employment subsidies




This will end in September. 

That means that all of a sudden, come October,

there will be 6 million unemployed people. 



Everyone, let's create 7 streams of income!

7 pockets!!!


First, start with selling something on Mercari?!



Yesterday's talk live ・・・

Hiromi Yamada  said 

↓↓↓This on her blog!

Thank you so much!


Her method is 


"Floor area increases income" 

"Cleaning the toilet will change your life" 

"If you change the look・・・"

It was wildly popular! 



Interview with Bashar 

Wow, so many sticky notes!!!

Thank you so much Yamada-san










What is the different between meditation and sleep?



When your body and heart is deeply relaxed, 

your brain waves move towards α alpha brain waves

You still have clear consciousness during this time 

and I see it as a state that you are doing ~を (an awake state) 


From there it goes into dream land 

When you feel like you are in a light step. 

You are headed towards 

Θ theta brain waves 


From there, when your consciousness enters slumber, 

then the separation between conscious and subconscious becomes blurred. 

The consciousness of the moment you enter a deep sleep. 

Or when your conscious is completely blurred 

and you move towards a still and empty state you go towards 

δ delta brain waves. 

Your body is already in a state of deep sleep (asleep) 

Once you enter into sleep 

then you go into

non REM sleep (rest for your brain…deep sleep) 

and from there, your brain waves move a little towards the stages of dreaming 


REM slep (Rest for your body....your brain is awake)



A beautiful book a friend wrote



Almost zero over time!!!

And yet still the sales keeps going up!!!

Yumi, you are amazing! (lol) 




Delicious information


"Minatoya3" opened on the 3rd floor of the Roppongi Benz showroom 

11:30 ~ 16:00 17:00 ~ 22:00 売切仕舞い



FRENCH@ Nishi Azabu

東京都港区西麻布3丁目17-23 プティコワン西麻布2F




【Why it is overwhelming when eating plate udon 】









Mr. Ita Information 




Breaking newsー!

A must check for those doing presentations via ZOOM💡


🔗Zoom v5.2.0 released where you can set a powerpoint as your virtual backdrop ~There's also a decoration filter you can use for your web cam 🔗

