Sunday, May 31, 2020

I'm thinking of starting a kitchen garden?!

What would you do
 if it was already predetermined 
that you should not fail〜?

If you were already predetermined to succeed
what would you do〜?

I'm thinking of starting a kitchen garden ?!

↓↓↓So I talked with Imocchan↓↓↓

Thank you!!
I guess I'll try it?!(lol)

↓↓↓                                     ↓↓↓

His advice was 

If you want to do it nicely without spending too much money, 
using a cloth planter is a good idea. 

Osyareko 不織布鉢 栽培 園芸用 農業や林業 植物成長鉢 プランター コンテナー ルートバッグ 植え袋 不織布ポット7ガロン (ブラック)

It'll depend on what you plan to grow, but if its leafy, then it doesn't need to be so deep🙆‍♂

YAHUIPEIJP 植物グロウバッグ 植栽バッグ 野菜育てバッグ 花のためのハンドルの野菜プランターコンテナでバッグ 不織布生地鉢を栽培袋 2PCSセット (ブラック)

My recommendation on dirt

瀬戸ヶ原花苑 プレミアム有機野菜の培養土 25L

The real issue is the seeds 

My recommendation is 

GAIA Yoyogi Uehara store 
〒151-0066 渋谷区西原3-23-6 プラド1F

You can buy native and fixed species of seeds here


Graduation day !!!
It was moving〜♪
And we even had a surprise at the end 


↓↓↓Information for Mr. Ita ↓↓↓

🔗Hordes of grasshoppers
Causing serious effect on operation of airliners  
Indian authorities warn 🔗

✅Hordes of grasshoppers
✅Food crisis
✅World news

Ministry of Civil aviation in India issued a warning that the enlargement of hordes of grasshoppers "could be a threat to airplane operations, especially during extremely important times such as landing and taking off" and that "though the individual grasshoppers may be small, if countless grasshoppers cover the front glass, it can clearly influence the view of the pilot." 

What! Outbreaks in India too!?
There is information that it is invading from Africa all the way to Iran. 
Let's continue to secure regularly necessary amounts of food. 
★Stockpiling will be normal for the 21st century! 

Grateful for all the support from people in each region !

IG live was fun too〜

You can see it on IGTV!