Sunday, June 28, 2020

Half of those who search "side jobs" are aged 18-24! Half of that are aged 25-34

Those who use the search engine to search "side jobs" are....

half of them are aged 18〜24!
half of that are aged 25~34!
Those over 35 years old is less than 10% ・・・

Takafumi Horie's speech "Gather information and take action" @Kinki University

Horiemon's speech at Kinki University Graduation 

You've been on the tracks prepared for you for 20 years. 
There is no "normal" for you going forward. 
Before you know it, amazing people in the world will change the world. 
It will not be that easy. 

Come into contact with information (you have all the tools) and approach the latest information! 
Think abotu it, and talk about it! Every day! →Learn to make your own judgements
Until now, it was fine that you were on the pre-prepared "tracks". But that era is now over. 

Other countries are developing economically. There are wealthy people all over the place. 
Japanese have not realized this. If you stay on these tracks, you will be left behind・・・
The life span of corporations will shorten. Human relationships will change. Families too. And common senses will change. 
Don't be a prisoner of common sense and social conditioning!!! The future is up to "Your intention"!
Challenge=Increasing your rate of failure     Failure →Formulate prevention measures 
Focus on the "NOW"!   Don't be afraid of the future, and don't get stuck in the past. Live in the now! 

In otherwords, 
until now "you may have been on tracks others have set" 
"once you go out into society, you will need to create your own path" ・・・
"Going into society and trying to get on the tracks of others is no good." 

Second wave
Lockdown news from Melbourne 

In Australia that has very few deaths?!

Infected people 7200
Deaths 102
Compared to other countries they have been able to hugely mitigate the spread.

The military is going around checking each house?! 


Even though they escaped the first peak……
The spread of the novel corona virus is spreading in Korea and Australia 


I created documents from morning!
I really enjoy doing it actually〜♪

Getting immersed and moving forward is important
but maybe more important to do work that you can be immersed in the first place?!

I was in a rush !

Thank you everyone!