Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Businesses to shift from "buying/owning" to "using products/services"

Were you able to see the fireworks〜?!
I couldn't see it in Tokyo.
Some people only heard the sound・・・
From Mr. Noda's mail magazine 


Breaking away from the sold out model! 
Why it's subscriptions now? 

 Business model means・・・
"A system for companies to profit while providing value to users"

In the English word "Subscription" includes the meaning of "monthly or yearly subscriptions" to magazines. It then changed to the meaning of "license of use for a limited time." 

In the world until now 

Products were → Owned 

Since there were less things 
it was a "era of products" where 
people wanted and bought what the manufacturers created. 

Therefore products and services were→ things to be bought・purchased. 

However, from now 

Products are →used 

As things increased, 
and any manufacturer could make anything, 
it became the "era of the consumer" 
where the company that understood the consumers needs would be chosen. 

And products and services are increasingly→ signed up to・signed up for. 

Historical context 
I've felt that the young people now days have less and less of a desire for ownership.
Their parents generation have completed the minimums of what is required.

Through the development of the internet,
it became possible for much information to be freely viewed,
and the power of consumers pursing convenience became stronger.

With the overflow of things
Being able to use what you need in a convenient way came before needs of ownership.
Regarding young people consumers → "Moving away from cars" "moving away from alcohol"  etc.

Unemployment rates rising →Chance for small and medium sized enterprises to get excellent human resources

Aspiring companies   Over 20% "Parents are in disagreement"
Don't believe them!! There is no job that our parents can give advice to!!
The reason why parents disagree  (multiple answers)
"Saw bad reports and rumors online" (24%)
"No future" (23%)、
"Welfare" (16%)

This is why the efforts of the companies is important 
Futuristic plans =A good impact on the world
Social contribution =good reputation 

There are 2 types of subscriptions

"Digital type subscriptions"
"Thing type subscriptions"

Business style
1. Cloud, SaaS  style 
  ie)Adobe's software 
    Microsoft Office's products such as Excel and PowerPoint etc. 
2. Internet Streaming services
  ie)Movie and Music streaming services 
    amazon PRIME Apple music, TV

3. Unlimited services (~all you want  style)
4. Premium type, sharing type services
5. Recommendation type services 

"Because I can use it as much as I want without worrying about the money"
"Because it was a affordable price even though paid regularly"

Others are〜
USA NY times newspaper and magazines
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
Guitar   fender play
Surf Air    Airplane flat rates https://bit.ly/2XTJdm3
Dollar Shave club  Flat rates for shaving
Huwlett Packard    Flat rates for ink
Automobile related  → Relatively difficult
Clothes, Bags, Apparel     Air Closets etc.
Yaro Ramen    monthly fee of 8,600 yen for 1 ramen bowl a day 
Nikkei Share Office 
Bloomee LIFE Flower delivery subscription 
Casie Flat rate for painting 
OKOLIFE Flat rates for Incense
Tenpaku    Japan's first flat rate apartment repair service 
ADDress Flat rate    Live anywhere in the country 
ADDress+ANA ANA Japan's first flat rate air fee service 


Takumi Yamazaki AW news delivery →http://aw-taku.jugem.jp

Get Mr. Yoshinari Noda's information from here 



are rarely 


(Chesterfield, British politician)

From Mr. Noda's mail magazine ・・・

   A blog to empower and encourage 
single mothers 


How to use courage 

Earning through instagram 

Today's Fuku Selection I've taken excerpts from "Mazu Baka ni nano" which was co-authored by Takumi Yamazaki and Ayumu Takahashi.

This gives advice not only to those who are struggling to find what they want to do,
but also helped me recover from past trauma.


【Mazu Baka ni Naro】(exceprt from p76)

"When you don't know what you want to do yet, 
I think it's a good idea to support those who are doing what they want to. 

For example, there are people with dreams right? 

"I'm going to go from street lives to perform at a Budokan!" 
Support that person if there are people who want to see. 

For someone who says, 
"I reeeeally want to do this now〜"

Say, "I have a little bit of extra time and energy, so may I support you?" 
If you do this, dreams are contagious! 

You'll probably eventually be saying, 
"Oh, I found what I wanted to do!" 

The message I got from this page. 


It's so important to think to support those around you
and especially support those who are doing what they want to.

It is also inline with the keyword of "contribution" for this era.

As written in this book,
you will not only find what you want to do,

but also through supporting another, it will also heighten your own energy.

It's okay to start with simple or easy things, but by continuing to support another,
it also builds true.

When I was 24 years old,
I didn't really know what I want to do and didn't have any particular dreams.

Someone asked me,

"Takato, do you have a dream?"

I didn't want to say "I don't",
so I answered "Maybe helping others achieve their dreams is my dream"

At the time, that person said,
"I have no idea what you're saying"
"Achieve your own dreams before saying stuff like that!"

and the demotivated me and I remember I stopped having or speaking my dreams.

If that person had said the same thing to me now ・・・
I can see it in a totally different light.

I feel like I was released from one of my past traumas.

This book, "Mazu Baka ni Nago" not only solves the issues you face now,
but even solves unsolved issues that come up from the past.

It's also written as a relaxing read.

Please have a look!