Saturday, May 9, 2020

Restaurant style (provider) to BBQ style (participatory) →Creating fans!

From 14:30 I'll do an Instagram live〜♪

Information from Shinchi-kun

Thank you!

"Crowdfunding return online seminar"

KingKong Nishino's 
Super Practical Marketing Seminar 

The "Change the meaning and create value" spoke to me! 

So exciting〜♪

Obstacles to everyone's daring 
②Advertisement (sharing far and wide) 
These issues need to be solved and continually solved.

Today we will talk only about advertisement.

The greatest problem of business is people.
With the COVID-19, companies can't protest their people.
And you probably know by now that the country can't protect you either. 
You have to learn to survive yourself.

A 45 year old person lacking physical strength, and with old ways of thinking will become unneeded, and there are no companies that will want people who are unneeded elsewhere. Companies will hang you out to dry (kick you out) When that happens, you will need to sell something yourself and learn how to market. 

1)The changes that the changes in service styles brought about 
Customers want to share rather than just receive (effects of SNS)
When selling event tickets to customers, the truth is that the "tickets to become staff" are sold out first.
Better than saying, I'm going to watch, people want to participate together! and share that. 

Services have changed from 
【Restaurant style】(Provider style) to 
【BBQ style】(Participatory)

Changes in the definition of quality
Now the quality is defined by the margin in planning (for participation) 

Services now are about margin, not quality  
When you try to share something,  instead of increasing customers, increase those who are involved in making/creating.
If when making a picture book, to people are involved, 2 books will sell, but if 10,000 people are involved, 10,000 books will sell.  

Crowdfunding is one of those methods 
Participatory   It's not about how much you collect, but it focuses on the number of people who get involved. 

Think like crazy about how to make "Poupelle of Chimney Town” with 7 billion people.
What became unnecessary was copyrights. Get rid of vested rights. 
The point is to have people participating from the point of planning. 
Selling the reservations from the planning stages is important. 
Take 2 years to increase the people who get involved.
Then once it's completed all those who got involved will purchase and 10000 books are sold.
That becomes a buzz. 

Preordering is a strategy 
Conforming effect.
The logic that everyone is buying it so it's probably good.
The effect of people lining up attracting more people.

Increasing more people who also want to sell it.
how to do that・・?
Create something like stock. 
Create a system and design it so that the more a product sells, 
that it benefits those who supported it. 

Freed the copyrights of "Poupelle of Chimney Town", had people sing cover songs, and the good ones, Nishino shared.
The more the movie became a hit, the more the searches on those people's channels went up,
and the more views they get which means that increases their profit too.

Think thoroughly about how you can distribute back to the customers. 

How to give them stock.
How to increase those who want to sell it. 

2)How to survive in an era where functionality will no longer differentiate 

The world that the Internet enabled.
Isn't this how they are making delicious ramen?! it's all made public.
In that case, what is the standard for people choosing restaurants?
People will not search by functionality, but will search "people" 

Provide ramen not as a good, but as an item (fan goods) 
What the restaurant owner does is create fans 
ex.EYAZWA towels 

The job of the owner is to create fans

What to be careful of? 
Always keep in mind that a customer once lost will never come back again. 
ex. Tickets to uninteresting plays is an act that will decrease fans in the long-term.

Pour your focus in keeping your customers (decreasing the number of those who leave) rather than getting new customers. 
Focus on how to decrease the number of people who quit being fans. 

Tips on creating repeaters 
The 2000 customers you brought to your solo event.

Talked from 7-9 and then after that each of the customers scattered to nearby restaurants. 

→Decided on the place of the afterparty in advance→People you meet their have language in common, so it's easier to make friends
→A, B and C who became friends there 
→My next Solo seminar will then be the next place where those newfound friends meet. 
→If A loses interest, Nishino will lose contact, but cutting B and C will be a greater cost cut (loss of profit) 
→So people sometimes choose to stay

Customers can be an adhesive for one another. 

Succesfsul examples    YonaYona Ale events  

 Square formula for creating repeaters 

Level of Satisfaction=Content- Level of expectation 

The hotel pamphlet should not have that one miracle shot.
It's because it doesn't surpass the expectation that it's hard to increase levels of satisfaction. 
Expectation management is a necessity. 

My online salon doesn't increase in members when things are going well.
When I'm challenging something new is when my fans increase.
Looking at the emotional curves of a protagonist in a popular manga or film is good reference.
They are N curves.
Continue to create this.

Stories of continual wins will not create fans. 

PCDA is no longer fit for this era. 
The reason for that is because if you start from planning, the cycle of this era moves to fast that you get left behind. 
Start from DO, and think on your feet. 

Another thing, PDCA is for creating a system without mistakes or misses.

No misses means 
→No increase in fans(You don't need me. I have no extra to participate) 
→When you fight with functionality, if you have no fans, you will not be able to differentiate.
→Won't survive 


The bipolorization will progress between the rich and the poor 
People with money don't need things.
They only have desires for emotional recognition.

Is the service you are selling 
【A school bag style business 】= Do you sell differently to the purchaser and the user? 

When launching a crowdfunding to give the picture book as a present to an orphanage in the Philippines, even though it had been 3 years since the book was launched, there were many people who bought 100 books on their own, to give as a GIFT.

Taking that into consideration,
in the 90's, around 1998, CD's massively sold in the millions.

That started around 1996.
Single CD's were sold in portrait size, but were then changed to the same as album CD sizes. 

→CD racks became poularized.   CD's became part of a rooms interior, and as a cool item for decoration. It became the cool thing to go to a friends house and if they had lots of CD's in their CD rack.

This is the strategy to change the meaning and create value 

There's also the Bikkuriman Chocolate. Bikkuriman chocolate=sticker. 
The competition stopped being between the chocolate and became a explosive hit. 
What is being sold is the chocolate, but what was being collected was the sticker. 
It changed the meaning of snacks (chocolate) and created value.

AKB's CD voting tickets, the moment that they changed it to handshake tickets, one person started buying 30-100 tickets on their own.

This is why for Poupille of Chimney town, we created the design to be something that would be a nice interior in cafes and restaurants as well, and フadded value as a GIFT for the children in the orphanages in the Philippines. 

Is the service that you are providing being sold as is, 
without changing the meaning? 
You really have to think hard about that or before you know it, you will lose the functionality war and drown in the red ocean. 

Clothes are not being sold now.
It's only fast fashion and high brands.

However, Live T-shirts are always sold out. It's stayed that way for a long time.
A live T-shirt looks like clothes, but it's not a fashion item.

It is a communication tool.
It's a tool for someone in a ramen shop who sees another fan wearing the shirt,
to be able to start up a conversation saying, "Did you go to that live?!" and get excited.

MomoKuro's T-shirts too, if they were T-shirts that didn't clearly scream MomoKuro from them, they would quickly be in competition with other fashion items.

Beauty Salon NORA(Omotesando)'s clever plan 
With Corona happening, they started selling advance haircut tickets. Then they started selling hair coloring advance tickets.
I cut my hair anyway, so I bought a ticket, but I don't dye my hair, so I thought I didn't need that, but I thought I could give it as a present to all my female staff, and they said they would keep it as a gift.

Then after that, they started getting heaps of purchases of haircut tickets, coloring tickets, nail tickets to use as a Gift.

This is an example of being able to convert into a school bag style businesses. 

They created value from adjusting the meaning from a place to cut hair, to a gift shop. 


I suddenly made a video call to a LINE group and everyone answered! (lol)


Ample Takumi Yamazaki Info


Ayumu Takahashi will join Takumi Yamazaki's Instagram LIVE!

【Online Seminar】
May 14th (Thur) 19:30??21:30
SUGOI! Way of Talking Academy Entry seminar 

■Mental Seed Online Seminars 

The Wisdom of the Diamond Cutter   Past share meeting videos on Facebook 

☆Free content 
"Takumi Yamazaki ☆Secret to Motivation 

【Content Schedule】
・"Change your life, by changing the values you value most" (5/9 scheduled release) 
・"The greatest risk of a leader is not being inspired/excited" (5/11scheduled release) 
・"How to fill your own need for recognition" (5/13 scheduled release) 
・"Your old content is your asset" (5/15scheduled release) 
・"The reason why the virtue you built up disappears" (5/17 scheduled release) 
・"Treat people and work with care!" (5/19 scheduled release) 
・"What is AI?" 人 (5/21scheduled release) 

☆Premium content (paid) 
"Sugoi! Way of Speaking" Audiobook 

☆Premium content (paid) 
Abundance (the key to wealth)~A Spiritual Lesson on how to call in Money from the universe~』
Takumi Yamazaki × Keiko Anaguchi Collaboration Channel

☆Premium content (paid) 
Takumi Yamazaki 30 day coaching life  Make life 5 times more enjoyable!~」

☆Premium content (paid)
"Real Talk" shared for the first time. The truth about money." 

Takumi Yamazaki × Koichi Honda Collaboration Channel 

■YouTube/ Takumi Yamazaki's "Amazing things happen in a flash" channel 

・Takumi Yamazaki FM Radio "TAKURAJI" with Hideto Tomabechi as a guest, Part 1 
・Takumi Yamazaki FM Radio "TAKURAJI" with Hideto Tomabechi as a guest, Part 2
・Takumi Yamazaki FM Radio "TAKURAJI" with Hideto Tomabechi as a guest, Part 3

■Manga TAKU    "Takumi Yamazaki ★ Secret to Motivation"   now posted on note!!

Here I'm introducing recommended coaches and therapists
Please check it out

Takumi Yamazaki   Hub Station


Can you imagine club activity without a coach? Let's find a life coach! 

Let's keep meeting each other through LINE calls! What's the trick? 

■『We talked about "How to create the future you desire" 
