Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Heroes are not special people. They are very ordinary people.

Caravan and Leona

Don't stop the camera!!!


Short film "Don't stop the camera! Great remote strategy!"
main story 


"Human always complain 

that they lack time, 

and yet they live as if time is infinite." 


Mr. Noda Mail magazine 

So much to learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine! 


■ "Imagination" is what makes people heroes 

  "Prison expertement" 
      that shook the world 

In 197, 
at the prestigious Stanford university. 

A certain up-and-coming psychologist
enacted the following experiment. 

In the basement of the campus, 
he created a mock prison. 

Then gathered 24 male students 
and made half of them the security guards 
and the other half the prisoners. 

The experiment period was 2 weeks. 
However, only a few days after starting, 
there was a frightening change. 

These regular university students, 
who participated for the 15 dollars a day, 
went through sudden change. 

The students who were set at the security guards, 
became more and more abusive, 
and at the same time, 
the mental state of the students who were the prisoners 
reached a state of near collapse. 

The experiment was stopped after 6 days. 

"No matter how good a person is, 
depending on their environment, 
are able to do horrible things." 

The negative side of human adaptability 
shocked the world. 

This "Stanford Prison experiment" 
after this, it was cited in multiple literature, 
and was also used as material for movies and comics. 

However, there is a continuation to this story. 

┌2)"Heroism Class" started by the "Evil Scientist"  

The person who hosted this experiment

Professor Philip Zimbardo was called the "Evil Scientist" 

This was a disappointing result. 

What he actually wanted to prove was 

"The power of good" 

For this reason, at the end of his career, 
when he was 78 years old, 
he launched this project. 

"Heroic Imagination Project"

And started a "heroism class" 
 in special high schools in unstable areas in Oakland 

┌3)People have the most conflict wth good things 

In the class, 
they discussed a certain horrific act of violence. 

It was a case of a young girl being attacked by 6 thus, 
and being carried away. 
There were multiple witnesses, 
and yet no one reported anything for 2 hours. 

"What would you do?" 
"Could you really do that?" 

The results there were not as dramatic as the 
"prison experiment". 

All there was was【conflict】

Choosing what is good, 
not leaving it to those around you, 
and acting yourself first. 

This is much more difficult than 
adapting to your environment and acting according to your role. 
A 16 year old boy who took this class said, 

"There were 2 me's inside. 

One lively me that cheered on saying "You can do it! You can do it!" 

And another me that pulled back my shoulders saying "don't do it!" 

He continued. 

"But I think once I grow up, 
and have more confidence, 
I could overcome this 
contradictory part of myself. 
I found out that I could be that." 

┌4)"Imagination" makes people heroes

Professor Phillip left these words about heroes. 

"Heroes are not special people. 
  They are very ordinary people. 
  Except that they are able to
 take one step outside of the limits,
and wholeheartedly do something for another"

When people die, 
what they regret 
is always that they 
"held back from loving" 

Following the "love" inside your heart 

without being encouraged or given permission by another, 
is something that takes a lot of courage. 

What comes in handy here is "imagination" 

When one can think past your own limits 
people no longer hold "love" back. 

That is the proof of a hero. 

Thank you for reading. 

Reference for this episode taken from below 


National Public Radio
 July 4, 2011
'Evil Scientist' Wants To
Teach People To Do Good

Yesterday I had 15 zoom meetings!