Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The ability to change "knowing" into "doing!"



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NY is still in lockdown・・・
so we're doing what we can through providing delivery! 

[Takumen@NY's HP]

[TAKUMEN delivery]


The power to change "knowing" into "doing"! 


Ask your deep subconsious

"What should I do to 〇〇?"


you will receive some inspiration.

When it comes to you,
change it into"a step that you can put into action."

Change it into
Small steps =Baby steps

And put it into action right away, without making it a big burden on your heart!

How to quickly transform "knowing" into "doing"!

(True story)
 MANGA of the trajectory of AIMYON until she became popular  

Today I met Kanako Naito!
Her "ability to throw away" is really something! Lol 

NAOKIMAN's fairly serious talk 

Global catastrophe?!
Natural disaster?!
Seed bank
New World Order

Simpsons prophecy 

A friend said, please be prepared for a "extended power outage" 

F&B industry provides things other than F&B on VALU ・・・

Restaurants are as a community providing value 
what can they create through online connections?!

It's necessary to go to the restaurant to eat, 
but there are other value points besides eating, 
that causes people to want to go there

(Reference)For the Corona era
6 curry will begin the next style of restaurants

※By the way, 6curry is a members only curry restaurant💡


Appreciate everyone in each region!


【Japanese elementary school student does a one-man live in NY ‼️‼️】
A heartfelt voice by a young girl the moved the world to tears ❣️
RUANN singing beyonce "halo"

@prohibition NY

RUANN 14 years old repertoire is a world treasure 

RUANN instagram
Beginner video 【https://youtu.be/5nzhFena3gA 】 
RUANN and GAGA https://youtu.be/aoEe0DWzmPE 
Acapella video https://youtu.be/Q5g2-3VBuwQ 

A 14 year old singer songwriter RUAAN(大山琉杏)who is already well-known, is also multi-talented, and can play guitar, dance, piano, drum, voice percussions acapela, and speaks English, Korean, Chinese  