Saturday, March 7, 2020

People don't achieve though changing the "process(=plan)" but by changing "themselves" . You change yourself through....

What MEG shared with me yesterday・・・

What if the world was 〇〇・・・
ex)What if the world was in love?
       What if humans lived forever?
       What if everyone has the courage to share their authentic story?
      What if we truly believed that every day was a miracle?

Who do I need to become in order to facilitate this? 

It's okay to be you.
A safe place where you will be seen, and heard, not judged.

When someone shares something, "did anyone else resonate with that?"
and people go in front of the person who shared, and appreciate and honor them.
Even things that are not all positive.....there will always be people who resonate.
And people thank that person・・・

"What if your greatness sadness?" 
→That is often the reason why you are passionate about changing the world in a certain way. 

What excites you? 

What are the gifts (strengths) you can share with the world? 

Accessing an altered state of mind through mediation.
Intend to serve. In the end, it's not about you, but about the lives of those you serve.

Goals must come from within!!!
Emotion is a force multiplier. 

Accept Uncertainty 
1/3→destiny (you souls intention) 
1/3→Environment (Feng Sui) =Energy 

What you believe=Your beliefs
Are what become your reality 

The Law of Resonance ・・・
Become the energy of your goals 
The Universe reflects back to you who you ARE, not what you WANT. 

≠Law of Attraction 
=The Law of Resonance   Moving to a parallel world. 

So not about ・・・
"I want to be like this!" ×
"I will be like this"  ○

Identity Shift Technique 


Not changing the process,
but achieving through changing your identity (=result)

"Why do I/am I 〇〇!?」
ex) Why am I so amazing and kind!?
・・・How to rewrite you identity.
In someways it's an opposite way of affirmations. 

・I am a wonderful person →that voice saying, "no you aren't" comes up
・Why am I such an amazing and kind person?!

ex)Why am I surrounded by happiness and bliss no matter what?

Yesterday was a recording at ・・・himalaya!!!

Koichi Honda-san, thank you so much! 

Ikarin, thank you so much! 

And then we aired "Iritaku" with Mr. Irimoto!!!

A big thank you to all the staff. 

And then・・・

Super Yamazaki Academy!
Insta live (via Mr. Yoshiyuki's instagram)

To the almost 2000 people who participated, thank you! 


Appreciation to everyone in each region! 


This is a great update!

In the near future,  the "PC screen share" function will be made available for LINE group video chats, It can handle up to 200 people at a time!

Apparently, competently to the usual usage state, the group talk increased 1.3 times, Open Chat 1.5 time, group talks 1.7 time, and group video chat increased 2.2 times since late Feb.

The video talk app is being watched closely, so most likely users will increase considerably.
By the way, I use ZOOM the most often★

(Reference)LINE,   "PC screen share" function available in the near future for LINE group video chats


A little bit outside of Hamamatsu ・・・
Everyone gathered in the gyoza cafe with laughs and smiles ・・・

↓↓↓Have you ever gone here〜?↓↓↓

Mr. Ita information


Tokyo city is providing and recommending subsidies for telework!

We will subsidize integrate of equipment, software etc. to be able to integrate telework in order to minimize the spread of CO-VID19 infection  ※
Amount of grant :Up to 2.5 million        Subsidy rate:10/10

■Application qualification 
Small or medium sized enterprises that have over 2 and up to 999 fulltime employees and have their office or HQ in the city center. 
※Requirement to join the "2020TDM Promotion Project" implemented by Tokyo.

(Reference )Will open subsidies as emergency business continuity measure (remote work) 

You may have already heard this information.

Please see your local HP for more details.

Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry

■For all businesses who are being influenced by the novel Corona virus

Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare

■Expanding the special cases that qualify for employment adjustment subsidies due to the effects of the novel Corona virus

Minato Ward

■区独自の特別融資あっせん 無利子(区が利子の全額を負担します)

Setagaya ward

■世田谷区中小企業 緊急特別融資あっせんのご案内

■Other information and elp desk regarding the novel Corona virus and about subsidies, grants and financing


Despite all that is going on,  Softbank has announced that it will begin providing 5G service!

The announcement was that it will begin on March 27th in limited areas, so it may be a while until it can be used anywhere.

If 5G spreads, videos will be easier to watch ad it will likely also be a favorable for supporting remote work. 

(Reference )Softbank launching 5G 


DJ AOI↓↓↓Wow!
Interact with middle aged men like a junior high school girl