Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Humans evolved through "migration!" Where will we migrate next? Mars?! It's a virtual space!!!

The age of VR is on its way! 

Humans have evolved through "migration!" 

Africa →American continent 

Where will we migrate to next?! 
It's a virtual space !!!

5G, to be announced mid-March?! 

Furthermore, this is now available in the 20,000 yen range?!

The stock prices of Zoom continue to rise 
Analysts valuate companies that will "growth due to the novel Corona virus"
Slack and Dropbox too

Akatsu-kun, thank you for the marvelous time!

Toki-chan, thank you too! 
Children are out of school〜

Today's select is excerpts of pages with the message on,
"How to get a good overview on life" 


【Your emotional switch】

Excerpted from perception on how to win at living an easier life in the long-term. 

"Are you truly a loser? 

If you are now feeling like you're at the bottom of the barrel 

or feeling at a loss about your life, 

try putting your life until now in chronological order in your head 
(of course you can actually write it out too if you want)

Then you'll see, 

are not the times that things haven't gone so well, 

or that you continually experience failure, 

only for a set period of time?

It may be that that part of your chronology is standing out, 

like its been highlighted with a highlighter pen. 

However, the time that things don't go so well, in the overall span of your life say its for 80 years, 

is really just a short moment in the big picture of things." 

The message I received from this page. 

There are may times when things don't go well or we trip up.

Conversely, there are all things that go really well, or that we feel we're really lucky.

As is written in the above excerpt, if you look at it as a chronological table and reflect on it,

you'll notice something unexpected.

We do tend the highlight the parts that were negative and put a cap on the things that were good.

When I did this, there was one thing I noticed and want to share.

That is to "make it a shallow and wide chronological table."

Happy people are sensitive to happiness
and unhappy people are sensitive to unhappiness.

If you create a narrow and deep chart, some may tend to repeatedly highlight the times of mistakes and failures.

But if you look at things from a birds eye perspective, its so true that the bad times are really just a moment in time.
The rest is just that there is a long time of carrying that baggage with you.

If you still think that your life is a repetition f mistakes and failures, l
please read the continuation of this message!

In the book are great methods to teach you to change your perspective just a little!

"Mistakes and setbacks are just for  moment"

Creating a "new emotional switch" to help you have that perspective
will lead to your next stage of motivation.