Sunday, February 9, 2020

Life is decided by "imagination" "See" it in your minds eye and "feel" it with your 5 senses. Live in your ideal life.

Around 30 years ago, I discovered this book by "Bashar" 
and my life started moving. 

I thought I'd try to put into practice what it said. 
It helped me achieve Crown Ambassador. 
My income increased 4 times in a year and a half. 
After this I tried it in other areas of my life too, 
and it also helped me achieved
 my dream of "becoming an author"・・・

At the end of February, I will go to a session with Bashar. 
At that time, I'm hoping to ask questions like these. 

As a greater theme, I'd like to ask 
"How do dreams come true?"

In everyone's heart, I believe there is a wish to 
"turn desires into reality." 

I get it!!!
The charms at the shrines 
are humans wish lists!!!! (lol) 

Traffic safety 
Prayer for success 
Safe travels 
Safe birth 
Recovery from sickness 
Prayer for happiness 
Wish achievement 


How can we get "a life of our dreams?!" 


Living with what excites you!!!

Following your heart !!!
Living in what excites you most=Your life's purpose and mission! 

The power of imagination 
・Enjoying every day 
・Get closer to your dreams 
・Changes your aura 

1)Your imagination decides your life 
2 "See" it with your imagination 
3)"Feel" the image with your 5 senses 
4)"Become that" ideal. Live it in your every day life. 

The width of your imagination is the "width of your life" 
Imagine a lifestyle of your dreams! 
Imagination=Reality → Comes true!
How is irrelevant 
Feel it thoroughly! →Imagine specific things! 
Not "creating" it, but "seeing" it! 
Feel the vibrations! 

Feel it with your 5 senses!Savor it!
Feel it while running a live coverage!
What does your body feel like?!

So excited!!!
Beware of the negative!

Live your "ideal" in your every day life!!!
Use your own body to put it into action! 
Become it→Teach your body what it feels like. 

Power spot→Become it yourself 

When you become it completely 
your self-image will go way up! 

Spend time with the people who are in that state! 
Spend time that will make you excited with a smile on your face! 


What you give will come back around to you!

Humans don't move with "intention" but with "imagination"! 

I'm back in Japan now!

I went to Disney Land〜
Star Wars was incredible (lol!)

It was exciting〜!

At the time of its opening, this bar was
 in a state of confusion filled with manias・・・

Surprisingly real quality!

So excited!

We got soaked, haha!

It's Nemo!(lol)

I want to go to "Avatar" in Florida too! 

Morning goodbyes (lol)

Thank you, Andrew and Ryoko-chan! 
Thankful to the support of everyone in the regions!

Thank you! 
