Friday, January 24, 2020

"Why is there such disparity in this world?" If you were asked this', could you answer?

The moment you finish reading it, your world will change! (lol) 

↓↓↓What does the book say?↓↓↓

Yanis (former Greek Finance Minister) 
during the "Greek crisis" 
A book written as "Talking to my daughter" ・・・

We must coexist with this monster!

daughter asked・・・
"Where is there so much disparity in the world?" 
"Is it because one is strong and the other is weak? 
Or because ones smart and the other is not? 

To begin with・・・
From bartering to farming! 
We started to make food for ourselves. 
This is what started everything! 

The aborigines had no need to farm. 
It's like those who live at home, and their mother cooks for them →no need to learn how to cook 

In an area with not enough land. 
Humans were fired to learn how to farm and make food for themselves in order to survive. 
These tough conditions created farming skills and technology. 
We started having surplus (reserves) 

This surplus (reserves) also created written characters, religion, and nations. 
Characters and numbers were needed to log the surplus. 

Surplus (reserves) 
Birth of money 
Trust is needed 
Birth of nations 
Armies to protect the nations 
Religion (to suppress the riots of the exploited)
Plowing tools ・storehouses 
Hygeiene was so bad, causing outbreaks of viruses and pathogens ( on to bacterial weapons) 

From the surplus, 
like a domino effect, humanity developed (outbreak) 

The aborigines had no need to create surplus. 
Why were they destroyed?! 

The birth of a market society 

Exchange value (what has value) 
Experience value (priceless/cannot set a price) 

The world changed 
Global trade/big sailing era 
Sold lots of European wool, and bought lots of spices in India 
Repeated this process. They made so much money!!! 

Didn't like the people with power/land=Lords 
They began a reform of "enclosure" 
They forced out the farmers, and started buying sheep (to make money through selling wool!) 
We will buy sheep instead of you. 

The farmers were forced to become individuals  (shepherds) 

Then the industrial revolution happens 
The momentum of England was unstoppable 

Unimaginable riches
and unbelievable pain ・・・this is where disparity was born 
A world moved by money!

The wedding march of profit and debt


Debt is a contract with the devil 
Farmers were throw out, and forced to take a debt to buy sheep. 

The true motive of the industrial revolution was "debt" not "coal" 

Debt =A vulgar act 
Once everything had a price 
Debt had no longer become a bad thing・・・

Salvation by Christ=Debt with interest 

Awareness change!
It was forced to change!

Banks could make money surprisingly easily! 
It's like black magic! 

 In 1920, they sold credit to investors!!!
They divided 5 billion yen into credit and sold it as 100 thousand yen financial certificates! 
Many investors jumped at it, as it was high interest! 
Even if it failed, the bank wouldn't lose out. 

What about the bank that is lending the money?! 
The people who had money in the bank will become worried and want to take their money out. 
Then that's the the bank of banks (In Japan it would be Nichigin) would step in to help. 

Make it a social market economy and 
if the price is lowered, what happens?! →It sells! 

What about labor?!
Please hire me, I'll work for 300 yen an hour! 
How about that?! 

"Wow, so cheap, I'm lucky"
"There are that many people without money? Won't that stop the business cycle?" 

There are two reactions that are "optimistic" and "pessimistic" 

Interest rates going down! 
There are always two reactions〜
But it never goes according to reason=the devil

Cannot tame the devil!

Wasteful things, mistakes 
things that are expected and unexpected, 
・・・incomplete, absurd

A more fundamental social reform is necessary!!!
Trying to use AI!

The terrifying curse of mechanics!

Did we really become happy?!
Did things really become more convenient?!

When we introduce opportunities, 
there is a price competition, is there not?! 


People become desperate !

That's why it's important to use opportunities wisely! 


That's why we should share profits! 
To be rid of disparities! 

Those benefitting from the disparities will oppose! 

What everyone wants most, 
is the existence of what's important as a currency. 

Prisoner camp →Cigarettes 
American jail→Ramen

Currency can be anything, 
as long as it doesn't spoil, and can be stored. doesn't spoil, and can be stored (reserved)〜

After a war is over, 
everyone smoked cigarettes which took the place of currency! 

Red Cross
World Depression 
Bit Coin

Yet there is a weak point here!
It is not unlimited!

Want to cut off and separate currency from politics! 
Is it possible?!

Democratize everything!!!
Have the people think for themselves and debate it! 

I wrote this book・・・so that my daughter could one day speak with her own words.  

If you look from an outside perspective, you can see the essence clearer. 


While doing a live streaming of yourself, 
also silently watch that〜


What am I feeling now? 

"I'm hungry"..... 
and watch yourself, and perceive that
here I am,  "I'm thinking that I'm hungry〜"

"I'm thinking that I'm such a failure" 
"I'm feeling impatient" 

See the "disturbed you" and "the you that is calmly looking on" 
See facts as fact. 


 The World Health Organization on Thursday decided not to declare the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak a global emergency, despite the spread of the dangerous respiratory infection from China to at least five other countries, and 18 people dead from contracting it. 

Second person in Japan contracted the virus 

In track and field, there is a relay called "4x400m" 

↓↓↓This is so interesting↓↓↓

Womens relay Finals  4x400m Japan Intercollegiate Athletics 2018

Womens relay Finals  4x400m Japan Intercollegiate Athletics 2019

I received these photos of the beach from a friend in Cebu. 
How nice〜
How nice〜

Manila is so interesting too〜

I've long been looking forward to your appearance! (lol) 
