Tuesday, January 7, 2020

"To be chosen" you must "create fans". Fans love a challenge! Life is a festival!

Future information from Ita-san!


Announcement by Toyota!
It will likely be one of the biggest attention drawing projects in the first half of 2020! 

Toyota to create a new city!


Toyota announced the project "Connected City" at CES
  • あらゆるモノやサービスがつながる実証都市「コネクティッド・シティ」を東富士(静岡県裾野市)に設置。「Woven City」と命名し、2021年初頭より着工
  • 企業や研究者に幅広く参画いただき、CASE、AI、パーソナルモビリティ、ロボット等の実証を実施
  • デンマークの著名な建築家であるビャルケ・インゲルス氏が街の設計を担当

See image video here 


Sendai Ikuei  Gen Sasaki (director) 

↓↓↓I heard from Keisuke Oshima yesterday 
↓↓↓about how great this director/coach is. 

It's not about winning with baseball, 
but being a good dad! 

During practice, he dances EXILE perfectly! 

〜 〜 〜

"dance" changes the space-time!!!

Life is a festival! 

Life is 100 year summer vacation!!!

Aimyon's "Sayonara no Kyou ni" ・・・

Companies that are still doing PDCA are in a dangerous place!
-Akihiro Nishino

Why is it dangerous ?!
Because it's now an era where differentiating by function isn't possible. 
All ramen shops are good, and all electric shops are cheap! 

To become 
a shop, company or person that is chosen 

it's necessary to "make fans!" 

PDCA is a system to avoid mistakes. 
That's too slow and it's old. 
Everyone is giving "the right answer." 


It's not an era where "the right answer has lost value". 

When everyone is getting a score of 100, 
there is no more meaning to getting 100 points. 


Starting from P (the Plan) is no good. 
If you start from P, you won't fail. 
But people react to "stories." 

When work is going well, 
the members in the online salon don't increase. 
When I'm challenging something new, the numbers increase. 

If the P is too strong, 
there is no margin left for people to support. 

Fans love "the challenge" 
"Having a good plan" won't get you fans. 

People who are just letting the years pass, fear "failure"!!! 
Let's do away with the P! 

Muchaburi (go to the extreme) 
Shinukide (be willing to give your life for it) 
Kotaeru (Answer) 

I arrived in Okinawa !

Jacky steak!!!

↓↓↓On sale now↓↓↓

