Saturday, January 4, 2020

Star teaching for this year!→"How to live this year"→"Not getting stuck on saving face"

Aogaku won the championship!
They are back. 

↓↓↓Interview of all of them↓↓↓


From Sanae Murakami・・・

●The big star event that only happens ever 200 years, is coming soon! 
The Great Connection =Overlap of Jupiter and Saturn 
That will happen on December 22nd, 2020

=Jupiter symbolizes  expansion and development, and Saturn represents limits and stability. Both represent social rules and common sense, the common themes of the world and the era now.  

Will switch for the first time in 200 years, from the "earth" element to the "wind" element. 


●From material value to spiritual value
 2020 is the start of a paradigm shift. 

Moving into the era of humanity. 

"Because I'm a man" 
"Because I'm a woman" 
"Because I'm older" 
"Because I'm younger" 
"Because I'm Japanese" ・・・

The things that separate and divide people will be done away with. 

●How to live this year 
The beginning of the new era begins from December 22nd, 2020・・・

Events that shake society as a whole→January, April, November

If things are profitable for you, determine your profit without getting greedy. 

 Also important to not get stuck on your own honor or saving face. 

●Prepare for the "era of the wind" that will newly begin 

"Free" "Equality" "Innovation" 

○Create new human relationships through SNS or other new tools 
○Don't get stuck on seniority and build friendships that are extensive
○Don't judge people based on their appearance or titles
○Don't perceive things through merit and demerit
○Don't get stuck on things, let go of things
○Share things and information with others

Sanae Murakami-san, thank you! 

I looked up about the Great Conjunction

What is the Great Conjunction of 2020!?
Jupiter and Saturn meet, 
and its time to open the 20-year worth piggy bank. 


General interpretation means that "the experiences and effort you've built up until now will create some sort of result and connect to a clear sense of purpose in the future" 


A turning-point timing to reconfirm what you have cultivated through your effort and talent 

What we must do →"stack up" 
Put your best effort into what is in front of you wholeheartedly! 

January 12th, Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto 
Saturn and Pluto overlap→First time in 38 years
Here there will be a structural reform that is painful

June 30th, Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto 
A mood where the whole world will be pampered
Don't get too cocky, but do ride the wave and momentum! 

2020's  Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the position of Capricorn
Triple Great Connection 
An event that will turn your perspective, situation and stability upside down. 
A huge shock individually and socially, for both good and bad. 

The constellation elements where the Great Conjunction will happen changes every 200 years =Great Mutation 

From "How to move the economy" "How to become more wealthy" 

↓↓↓Huge value shift↓↓↓

How many people you can connect to and how? 

"Those who fall asleep 

looking forward to awakening the next day 

are happy." 

  (Carl Hilty)

Alright, I'm off to sleep?!
Tomorrow will be another amazing day



It's said that it will change from an era of healing to an era of learning and self-improvement. 

The first Fukushima Selection this year is from "SUGOI! Way of Learning!" 

I chose a phrase that taught me the importance of enjoying learning even more than I have until now!


【SUGOI!Way of Learning】(excerpt from page 25)

"I learned the enjoyment of learning after I became an adult. 

I felt that when you learn as an adult your life continues morphing and changing. 

I experienced "forced learning" as a student, 

but I realized that there are many types of learning." 

Why I chose this↓↓

I felt this is so so true. 

For me too, the time spent learning and the types of learning has increased since becoming an adult, than when I was a student! 

When I was a student, learning was, 

"To score well in the test" 

"To pass the entrance exam" 

"To get enough credits to graduate" 

A bunch of learning to clear the goals placed before me. 

To be honest, I can't recall the things I learned as a student really impacting or affecting my life greatly. 

However, the "way of learning" as a student I think affected my life now greatly. 

More than the content of what I studied, how to take part in studying, and the way of thinking is useful reference to me now. 

In that way, my studies as a student were certainly not wasted. 

And, as is also written in "SUGOI! Way of Learning" 
learning as an adult can greatly influence your life. 

There are more cases of not forced learning, but learning "because you want to".

・Those who learn to improve their skills in work
・Those who learn about what they started as a hobby
・Those who learn to work together with their friends for an event to succeed
・Those who learn to enjoy their lifestyle now

There are many people around me who are learning about many different things. 

In my eyes, it seems like they are all learning to "improve the quality of  life". 

Beyond that, they also "continue learning about it because they love it and can't help it." 

There are also those who are always in the state of "want to 〜"

The "era of self-development" is coming soon. 

By re-reading "SUGOI! Way of Learning" 
one can continue to learn the difference between "studying" and "learning"‼︎